- coherent scattering of relativistic charged particles in strong fields;
- crystal channeling, volume capture and volume reflection of hadron and lepton beams;
- energetic ion interactions processes
- backscattering and channeling of low energy ions,
- high energy ion channeling;
- electromagnetic radiation by relativistic charged particles in periodic structures
- coherent bremsstrahlung,
- channeling radiation,
- transition radiation,
- diffraction radiation,
- parametric x-ray radiation,
- Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect,
- free electron laser,
- Compton scattering;
- channeling of radiations in capillary systems
- micro- and nano-channeling,
- micro-channel plates,
- nanotubes,
- nano-porous;
- novel techniques for beams handling and acceleration
- plasma wake-fields,
- cross-laser fields,
- crystal assisted collimation,
- plasma-ion channels,
- capillary channeling;
- advanced x-ray & neutron optics
- capillary/polycapillary optics,
- compound refractive optics,
- micro- and nano-focusing,
- waveguides;
- applications based on channeling phenomena
- beams shaping,
- positron sources,
- powerful radiation sources,
- diagnostic tools,
- novel x-ray table-top instruments,
- channeling for advanced electronic materials studies
*** Plenary Lectures at Channeling Primer ***
- Sultan Dabagov, LNF INFN & NRNU MEPhI & RAS LPI
Opening :: Advanced Channeling Technologies :: - Aldo Spallone, Scientific Attache of Italy in Russia
Life in Science - Rene Van Grieken, Professor of the University of Antwerp, Editor-in-Chief of X-Ray Spectrometry
On the Problems of Global Pollution - Antonello Polosa, Professor at the University Sapienza, Roma
Channeling for Dark Matter Studies: Alternative Methods for Light Dark Matter Detection - Sergii Fomin, Researcher at the NSC 'Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology'
Soliton-like Regime of Neutron Transport in a Multiplying Medium. Physical Ground of Traveling Wave Reactor - Augusto Marcelli, Researcher at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN
From Galileo to Abbe: the Contribution of Lenses to the Foundation of Modern Sciences. What is the Role of Lens in the Coming Quantum Era? - Giovanni Mazzitelli, Researcher at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN & Member of the 'Frascati Scienza' Council Board
Science Communication: a New Frontier of Researcher's Job - William Dunn, Director of the Radiation Measurement Applications Lab, Kansas State University
The International Radiation Physics Society
*** Invited Talks ***
- Pierluigi Campana, Director of the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN
Advanced Accelerator and Radiation Physics at LNF - Nikolay Shul'ga, Director of the Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics, NSC 'Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology'
Coherent Bremsstrahlung and Channeling - Uli Wienands, Accelerator Physicist at the Argonne National Laboratory
Past and Future Channeling Experiments in the US - Nicolo Neri, Researcher at INFN Milano
Electromagnetic Dipole Moments of Charged Baryons with Bent Crystals at the LHC - Luis Roso, Director of the
Spanish Center for Pulsed Lasers CLPU
Challenges of High Repetition PetaWatt Lasers - Sergey Maksimenko, Director of the Institute for Nuclear Problems Belarus State University
Surface Plasmon Slowing Down and Cherenkov-Type THz Emission in Graphene Based Structures - Marco Galimberti, Researcher at
the Central Laser Facility, the Science and Technology Facilities Council, Didcot
New UltraShort OPCPA PetaWatt Class Beamline for the Vulcan Laser Facility - Mattia Cipriani, Researcher at
the ENEA Frascati, the Fusion and Technologies for Nuclear Safety Department
High Power Laser Irradiation of Low-Z Porous Media: Numerical Simulations and Experiments - Sergey Polozov,
Head of DINUS Research Lab,
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Current Status of Russian 4th Generation Specialized Synchrotron Radiation Source SSRS-4 - Massimo Ferrario, Head of SPARC_LAB, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN
Advanced Accelerator Developments at EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB - Alexander Aryshev, Researcher at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Accelerator Lab
Self-similar Electron Beam: Prospects, Demands and Applications - Alexey Tishchenko, Group Leader at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Dispersion Relations for Different Types of Radiation from Periodic Structures: Similarities and Differences - Subhendu Ghosh, Program Leader at the New-Delhi Inter University Accelerator Centre
Status of the Development of Delhi Light Source (DLS) at IUAC - Alberto Fazzi, Professor at Polytechnic University of Milan
Advanced Instrumentation for Laser Driven Acceleration Experiments - Dariush Hampai, Researcher at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN
Channeling X-Rays: Applied Polycapillary Optics - Luca Serafini, Researcher at INFN Milano
MariX/BriXS Design Study: a Combined Ultra-High Flux X-ray FEL and Compton Source - Giuseppe Dattoli, Head of Laboratory for Mathe matic Modelling at ENEA Frascati
Free Electron Laser and CARM Devices: A Unified Point of View - Gianluca Cavoto, Assos. Professor at the University Sapienza, Roma
The CRYSBEAM Project - Laura Bandiera, Researcher at INFN Ferrara
Strong Reduction of the Effective Radiation Length in an Axially Oriented Scintillator Crystal - Pavel Karataev, Reader at the Royal Holloway University of London
Optical Cherenkov Diffraction Radiation as a Tool for Non-invasive Charged Particle Beam Diagnostics - Riccardo Pompili, Researcher at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN
Guiding of Charged Particle Beams in Curved Capillary-Discharge Waveguides
Important dates
Abstract submission:
by July 7, 2018
Abstract acceptance:
by July 10, 2018
Hotel reservation:
by July 15, 2018
(participants are requested to secure a room reservation as soon as possible)
early: by July 15, 2018
late: since July 16 by September 30, 2018
Application for Student / Young Scientist's support:
by May 31, 2018
Manuscript submission:
to be ready for submission before December 1, 2018
Abstract submission:
by July 7, 2018
Abstract acceptance:
by July 10, 2018
Hotel reservation:
by July 15, 2018
(participants are requested to secure a room reservation as soon as possible)
early: by July 15, 2018
late: since July 16 by September 30, 2018
Application for Student / Young Scientist's support:
by May 31, 2018
Manuscript submission:
to be ready for submission before December 1, 2018