Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (PRAB) is offering a Special Edition for the 8th International Conference “Charged & Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena – Channeling 2018” – that will be held from 23-28 September, 2018, in Ischia, Italy. This Special Edition offers the opportunity to expand upon original research presented at Channeling 2018 in a peer-reviewed journal.
Accepted papers, which relate to contributions of the Channeling 2018 workshop, will be issued in a special edition of this journal. Please note that for this option:
- Authors must submit their manuscripts directly via the PRAB submission website starting from October 15, 2018.
- Papers will go through the standard independent refereeing process of PRAB.
- There is no deadline, but submission before December 1, 2018 is encouraged.
- The issuing of a Special Edition is subject to a minimum number of papers being accepted.
PRAB is a peer-reviewed, all-electronic journal published by the American Physical Society (APS). The all-electronic nature allows "Special Editions" while maintaining thorough peer review and timely publication. Articles based on Channeling 2018 contributions and submitted to PRAB will be reviewed through the normal refereeing procedure. If accepted for publication, they will be published as regular PRAB articles. Publication will be timely; articles will be published as soon as they are ready, without waiting for other papers presented at the conference to be published. In addition, a special Channeling 2018 Table of Contents will be created at the PRAB website with links to the published papers. It will be updated each time a paper related to Channeling 2018 is published.
In keeping with PRAB policy the papers must contain either important new results in science and/or technology or review active areas of accelerator and particle beam research. Papers in the first category must contain new results. Confirmation of previously published results of unusual importance can be considered as new, as can significant null results. Review articles should review active areas of research in a form that is useful to both practitioners and people entering the field. Authors are asked to give considerable attention to the presentation of their material, making introductions accessible to intermediate graduate students and readers from other fields. The body of each paper should be economically and thoughtfully organized. Papers cannot be identical duplicates of work submitted for publication either to another journal or to another conference proceedings.
Material previously published, or submitted for publication, in a Letters journal or in a conference proceedings can be the basis of an article in the PRAB Channeling 2018 Special Edition provided the submitted manuscript presents more information, enabling the reader to obtain an improved understanding of the subject. Note that this does not require new physics results as compared to a conference submission, but it does require more details, discussion, etc.
More information about the PRAB editorial policies is available at
Contact Frank Zimmermann (, the PRAB Editor, if you have general questions related to the PRAB policies and Sultan Dabagov (, the chairman of Channeling 2018, if you have particular questions regarding publishing your paper in the Conference Edition.
Authors should indicate that their paper is for the Channeling 2018 Special Edition, in the message accompanying submission to PRAB. Please see the guidelines for contributors here.
In previous years there have already been several PRAB conference editions. You may find the previous special editions at further information or questions, please, do not hesitate to contact the Organizing committee via e-mail:
- Previous Editions
Since the first Channeling meeting we have prepared 11 books/volumes of the proceedings. The total number of published scientific papers in the conference proceedings exceeds 400.
The proceedings of the Frascati's conferences, Channeling 2004 and Channeling 2006, were issued by the International Society for Optical Engineering, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5974 (506 pages) and Vol. 6634 (520 pages)).
The proceedings of the Erice's meeting, Channeling 2008, was published as a dedicated book by the World Scientific Publishing within the framework of the "The Science and Culture Series - Physics" series (823 pages), while the selected papers were issued as a dedicated volume of the International Journal of Modern Physics A.
The Channeling 2010 proceedings were published by the Italian Physical Society as a special volume of Nuovo Cimento C (560 pages), and separately as a book "Channeling 2010" (570 pages).
The main contributions to Channeling 2012 has been issued as a dedicated volume 309 of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (277 pages), and, separately, in preprint versions, as a book “Channeling 2012” (563 pages). The selected contributions to Channeling 2014 has been issued as a dedicated volume 355of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (403 pages), and, separately as a book “Channeling 2014” (490 pages) in preprint versions. The proceedings of Channeling 2016 has been issued as a dedicated volume 402 of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (398 pages).
Abstract submission:
by July 7, 2018
Abstract acceptance:
by July 10, 2018
Hotel reservation:
by July 15, 2018
(participants are requested to secure a room reservation as soon as possible)
early: by July 15, 2018
late: since July 16 by September 30, 2018
Application for Student / Young Scientist's support:
by May 31, 2018
Manuscript submission:
to be ready for submission before December 1, 2018