The conference scientific sessions will be held at the conference halls of the Hotel Continental Ischia.
Participants could be accommodated at the HOTEL CONTINENTAL ISCHIA, where we have reserved a suitable number of rooms at special rates for the conference. This reservation is valid until July 15, 2018. After this date the rooms availability is not guaranteed due to the limited number of rooms. The reservation for rooms as well as for lunches at the Hotel Continental Ischia should be made using the following forms
N.B. Please do not forget to submit the form compiled via e-mail:
The HOTELS in Ischia
Partcipants willing to proceed with their own room booking are also invited to take care of their reservations as soon as possible, and preferably by August 1, 2016. You can find a list of the hotels with lodging costs visitiing, for instance, the following site .
Abstract submission:
by July 7, 2018
Abstract acceptance:
by July 10, 2018
Hotel reservation:
by July 15, 2018
(participants are requested to secure a room reservation as soon as possible)
early: by July 15, 2018
late: since July 16 by September 30, 2018
Application for Student / Young Scientist's support:
by May 31, 2018
Manuscript submission:
to be ready for submission before December 1, 2018