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3.1 Predictions and Errors.


Let us use the variable z, which we define in each event as the difference between and measured in units of the average lifetime,

Considering those events where both kaons of the pair decay via the same decay mode, one can integrate all those with the same , (i.e. with the same z) over the variable and histogram them as a function of the variable z. In each bin of width dz, the number of events is a function of z that can be developed up to second order in z around the point z=0. Because of the symmetry between the kaon on the left and the kaon on the right, the term in z to the first power is zero.


and are two parameters that can be obtained from a fit to the data.

Let N be the number of pairs emitted in the fiducial volume, and the - and the -branching ratios, and the - and the -decay rates, as above. Let us define the constants A and :


using Ref. [7]. In absence of background, quantum mechanics predicts


If there is background and if, because of a possible violation of quantum mechanics, the interference term is reduced by a factor ,


Measuring permits us to determine the decoherence parameter


At the limit of large N, the particular form of Eq. (11) permits us to derive special expressions for the error on :


The proper form to be used depends on the size of . The appropriate formula is always the one that gives the largest error. In any case, the error on is given by


Among the possible sources of background, special attention will be paid to events misidentified as two-body 's, because there are predictions for this effect, [8]. In these background events, the system is CP=+,

and both kaons can decay into the same mode for . We call the ratio of the number of these background events to the number of genuine events and, in the numerical applications, we use the worst (highest) estimate given in the conclusion of Ref. [8]: . Because of the particular dependance of that background as a function of , we assume that can be measured to better than 10% of 2 10.

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Carlos E.Piedrafita