Open Postdoc Positions (fwd)
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Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 20:37:09 -0600 (EST)
From: Paul Sheldon <Paul.Sheldon@Vanderbilt.edu>
To: E831/FOCUS Group Mailing <e831@fnal.gov>
Subject: Open Postdoc Positions (fwd)
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Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:45:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Spencer R. Klein <spencer@sseos.lbl.gov>
To: sheldon@fnal.gov
Subject: Open Postdoc Positions
Dear Paul:
How are things with you?
Our group at LBL is looking for two postdocs, to start this spring, to
work on commissioning and data analysis from the STAR detector at
RHIC. I'm writing to you because I'm hoping to expand recruitment
beyond our usual heavy ion crowd. Do you know of any good candidates?
One person will work with me on peripheral collisions of heavy ions,
replacing a postdoc who took a staff position back in his native
Sweden. The group is studying coherent interactions of nuclei, such
as two-photon physics and photonuclear interactions. Specific topics
include strong field QED (single and multiple e^+e^- pair production),
vector meson production (Pomeron physics and vector meson-nucleon
cross sections), interference and multiple vector meson production
(meson interferometry) and meson spectroscopy (searches for exotica
such as glueballs, meson properties and decays). Because of the
strong fields accompanying heavy ions, the rates for these processes
are high. This is a completely new field, with lots of opportunity
for innovation.
the other opening is for more traditional heavy ion collisions,
studying central collisions to search for the quark gluon plasma.
Areas of interest include high p_t physics and heavy quark production,
multi-particle correlations, and particle spectra.
Candidates should have a PhD in experimental particle or nuclear
physics or a related field. Strong computer skills are a major plus,
as is some hardware experience.
These are excellent opportunities for particle physicists who want to
try something slightly different. STAR expects to get our first data
this summer, so the timing is excellent.
LBL built the STAR TPC and front end electronics, and plays a
major role in data analysis. Besides strong local laboratory and
computing resources, we have a strong relationship with the National
Energy Research Supercomputer Center, also at LBL.
Please pass this on to any potentially interested parties. They can
reach me at SRKLEIN@LBL.GOV or (510)486-5470, or, for the central
collisions position(s), talk to Hans Georg Ritter at HGRITTER@LBL.GOV,
(510)486-4138. The STAR program is described at
http://www.star.bnl.gov/. There is more information on the positions
in an ad in the Jan/Feb. 2000 issue of the CERN Courier.