
[Fwd: position at ICL]

Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 08:49:53 +0100 (MET)
From: Birgit Breetzke <bbahr@mail.desy.de>
Subject: position at ICL
To: zeus+zeuscp@desy.de
Reply-to: Birgit Breetzke <Birgit.Breetzke@desy.de>
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Faculty Positions in High Energy Physics
Applications are invited for two new faculty positions in High Energy
Physics at the Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London.
The group has a broadly based experimental programme embracing ALEPH,
ZEUS, BABAR, D0, CMS, LHC-B and the UK Dark Matter Experiment. Within
the group there is a strong tradition of detector development and
construction which has led to key activities in the above experiments.
Following a recent grant from the PPARC Opportunities Initiative the
group is beginning an involvement in the development of a future
neutrino factory and an interest in this area, combined with activity on
one of the group's baseline programmes, is envisaged for one of the
positions. Further details of the group's programme may be found on:
Starting dates are negotiable but October 1st, 2000 is anticipated. The
appointments are expected to be made at Lecturer level, however one may
be made at Reader level for an appropriate candidate. The positions are
subject to a probationary period of three years.
For a Lecturer, salary will be in the range 17,238 - 30,065 pounds plus
2,134 pounds London allowance and for a Reader in the range 
31,563 - 35,670 pounds plus 2,134 London allowance.
Further information may be obtained from
Professor P J Dornan
Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
Email:   P.Dornan@ic.ac.uk
to whom applications, comprising a curriculum vitae, a list of
publications and the names and addresses of three referees should be
sent, by 1 May 2000.