[Fwd: Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Bonn]
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 16:57:23 +0100 (MET)
From: Birgit Breetzke <bbahr@mail.desy.de>
Subject: Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Bonn
To: zeus+zeuscp@desy.de
Reply-to: Birgit Breetzke <Birgit.Breetzke@desy.de>
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This ad was added on February 10, 2000:
Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Bonn
The ZEUS group of the Physikalisches Institut, University of Bonn has an
opening for a postdoctoral research associate starting in June 2000. The
appointment will initially be for two years, with the possibility of
The Bonn group designed and built the current forward tracking detector in
ZEUS and plays a leading role in the ongoing forward detector upgrade
programme, in which the transition radiation chambers will be replaced by
straw-tube tracker. The new detector will be installed in the upcoming
shutdown. The candidate will be expected to participate in the assembly
commissioning of the detector and to play a leading role in the analysis
its data. Participation in physics analyses that use the new ZEUS tracking
system (including the microvertex detector) is strongly encouraged.
Residence will be based in Bonn, with the opportunity for regular trips to
Hamburg. It is expected that the candidate participate in teaching
activities and the supervision of students.
The University of Bonn is seeking to increase the number of women in
science. Therefore, women are especially encouraged to apply. Handicapped
applicants will be given preference if equally well qualified.
Interested candidates should send a letter of application, CV and arrange
for three letters of recommendation to be sent to:
Prof. Dr. Ian C. Brock
Physikalisches Institut der Universit=E4t Bonn
Nu=DFallee 12
D-53115 Bonn
For more information contact: brock@physik.uni-bonn.de