11th International Topical Meeting on
Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications
3-8 July 2022 Moscow, Russia
Golden Ring Hotel

11th International Topical Meeting on
Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications
3-8 July 2022 Moscow, Russia
Golden Ring Hotel
Any contribution on a subject within the conference topics is welcome. Authors are requested to online submission of the abstracts no later than March 31, 2022, according to the instructions on this page. Authors will be informed on both acceptance of their contributions and kind of presentations (oral or poster) by April 15, 2022.
Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be published in the Book of Abstracts, which will be distributed to all participants during registration. Please, note that only abstracts of registered participants will be included in the book of abstracts and in the proceedings as well.
For the abstract submission, please, go to the web address at the URL (or use just a link):
N.B. If you do not have already an account at the INDICO system, first you have to create your own account that will be unique everywhere and valid for further personal use.
Once you are logged in to the site to submit the abstract choose "New Submission", and then compile all necessary fields. The title with the list of authors and the short abstract in plain text should be completed in the reported form to provide necessary information to the organizers to define scientific program of the conference. The online abstract form limits your short abstract to 100 words.
Once you have submitted one or more papers, you can access to your submission/s as well as edit or add corrections or upload a new version of your abstract(s) until the abstract deadline.
Additionally the full length abstract must be submitted as doc-file or LaTeX-file according to the IRRMA2022 template (doc and LaTeX formats are available on the page Downloads & Dates). Please notice that the complete abstract length must be limited to one A4 page as indicated in the template. A full length version of the abstract should be uploaded to the system together with a short online compiled version.
Abstract submission | 31 March 2022 |
Information about acceptance | 15 April 2022 |
Manuscript submission | 15 July - 15 November 2022 |
*** Preliminary Timetable ***
*** Advance Program***
The scientific program of the conference will include invited presentations by the experts in the field of the IRRMA2022 topics, selected oral presentations, and poster sessions.
The conference will start with the IRRMA Primer session on Sunday, July 3 afternoon and followed at the end of the session by welcome mixer. The Primer session will also include some formal greetings by the Organizers.
The participants are invited to take part in two mini-workshops to be held within the IRRMA2022 scientific program:
Biological & Medical Applications of Radiation
Chairs: A. Bugay (JINR, Dubna), S. Deyev (IBCh RAS, Moscow)
BioPhotons : an ultra-weak electromagnetic emission of living organism of the order from few to some hundred photons per second, per square centimeter surface area – emission at least within the spectral region from 200 to 800 nm. Studies on this type of radiation attract attenttion of the researchers from the point of view of basic knowledge as well as of possible applications.
On Monday, July 4 the scientific program will start at the the Golden Ring Hall of the Golden Ring hotel, and continue through the week with a mixture of oral and poster sessions, exhibiton, as well as specialized round tables at various Halls of the hotel. The program will be concluded by the closing session on Friday, July 8.
After lunch on Wednesday, July 6 there will be an excursion, and the conference dinner is planned on Thursday, July 7 in the evening.
*** Preliminary Timetable ***
*** Advance Program***
Numerous opportunities of social events will be offered to the participants and accompanying persons. These will include not only the welcome party and conference dinner, but also excursions to many of the most interesting places and sights of Moscow and its environs, pre and post-conference tours. A schedule of concert and theatre performances will be made available once the performance programs are known. For some details the readers are invited to use the link http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/irrma2020/venue
Abstract submission | 31/03/2022 |
Early registration | 30/04/2022 |
Hotel reservation | 30/04/2022 |
Manuscript submission | 15/11/2022 |