11th International Topical Meeting on
Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications
3-8 July 2022 Moscow, Russia
Golden Ring Hotel

11th International Topical Meeting on
Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications
3-8 July 2022 Moscow, Russia
Golden Ring Hotel
Radiation Physics and Chemistry (RPC) is offering a Special Edition for the 11th International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications – IRRMA2022 that will be held on July 3-8, 2022 in Moscow, Russia. This Special Edition offers the opportunity to expand upon original research presented at IRRMA2022 in a peer-reviewed journal.
Accepted papers, which relate to contributions of the IRRMA2022 meeting, will be issued in a special edition of this journal. Please note that for this option:
In keeping with RPC policy the papers must contain either important new results in science and/or technology or review active areas on research and developments involving ionizing radiation in radiation physics, radiation chemistry and radiation processing. Papers in the first category must contain new results. Confirmation of previously published results of unusual importance can be considered as new, as can significant null results. Review articles should review active areas of research in a form that is useful to both practitioners and people entering the field. Authors are asked to give considerable attention to the presentation of their material, making introductions accessible to intermediate graduate students and readers from other fields. The body of each paper should be economically and thoughtfully organized. Papers cannot be identical duplicates of work submitted for publication either to another journal or to another conference proceedings.
More information about the RPC editorial policies is available at https://www.elsevier.com/journals/radiation-physics-and-chemistry/0969-806x/guide-for-authors
Abstract submission | 31/03/2022 |
Early registration | 30/04/2022 |
Hotel reservation | 30/04/2022 |
Manuscript submission | 15/11/2022 |