The 10th International Conference

Charged & Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena

8-13 September 2024
Riccione (Rimini), Italy


Abstracts & Program :: Channeling 2024

Any contribution on a subject within the conference topics is welcome. Authors are requested to online submission of the abstracts no later than June 30, 2024, according to the instructions on this page. Authors will be informed on both acceptance of their contributions and kind of presentations (oral or poster) by July 5, 2024.

Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be published in the Book of Abstracts, which will be distributed to all participants during registration. Please, note that only abstracts of registered participants will be included in the book of abstracts and in the proceedings as well.

For the abstract submission, please, go to the web address at the URL (or use just a link):

N.B. If you do not have already an account at the INDICO system, first you have to create your own account that will be unique everywhere and valid for further personal use.

Once you are logged in to the site to submit the abstract choose "New Submission", and then compile all necessary fields. The title with the list of authors and the short abstract in plain text should be completed in the reported form to provide necessary information to the organizers to define scientific program of the conference. The abstract form limits your short abstract to 100 words.

Once you have submitted one or more papers, you can access to your submission/s as well as edit or add corrections or upload a new version of your abstract(s) until the abstract submission deadline.

Additionally the abstract must be submitted as doc-file or LaTeX-file according to the Channeling 2024 template (doc and LaTeX formats are available on the page Downloads & Dates). Please notice that the abstract length must be limited to one A4 page as indicated in the template. Once ready, please, send the abstract as attached file/s via e-mail

*** List of Accepted Contributions ***

*** Timetable ***

*** Advance Program***

The scientific program of the conference will include invited presentations by the experts in the field of the Channeling 2024 topics, selected oral presentations, and poster sessions.

The conference will start with the Channeling Primer session on Sunday, September 8, 2024 afternoon together with the registration and followed at the end of the session by welcome mixer (Hotel Corallo & Comune di Riccione). The Primer session will include some formal greetings by the Organizers and sponsors of the conference.

On Monday, September 9, morning the Scientific Program will start at the Conference hall of the Hotel Corallo, and continue through the week with a mixture of oral and poster sessions, as well as specialized round tables. The program will be concluded by the closing session on Friday, September 13.

On Wednesday, September 11, after a morning session, we have planned an excursion to the Ravenna city. The conference dinner is planned on Thursday, September 12 evening.

Overhead, slide and video projector linked to a PC will be available. In case of PC presentation the files of the PowerPoint (or pdf) format should be loaded t the PC provided by the organizers before the session of the talk. You may bring your own computer; however, the accessibility should be checked before the session of your report.

Posters should be presented during the whole working day of your poster session defined by the technical program. The size of the display area for a poster is 80 cm in width and 100 cm in height.

Abstract submission 30/06/2024
Early registration 15/07/2024
Hotel reservation 15/07/2024
Manuscript submission 15/12/2024
General Program
  • September 8, Sunday afternoon
    CHANNELING 2024 Primer Session & Welcome Party
    Opening Lectures | Greetings
  • September 9, Monday - September 10, Tuesday
    Opening | Scientific Program
    Oral & Poster Sessions
  • September 11, Wednesday morning
    Scientific Program
    Oral Sessions
  • September 11, Wednesday afternoon
  • September 12, Thursday
    Scientific Program
    Oral & Poster Sessions
  • September 12, Thursday evening
    Social Dinner
  • September 13, Friday
    Scientific Program | Closing
    Oral & Poster Sessions