The 10th International Conference

Charged & Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena

8-13 September 2024
Riccione (Rimini), Italy


Participants :: Channeling 2024

... link >>>   List of registered Participants  <<< link ...

After on-line registration under the "Registration" item of the Menu (please, use the link at the "Registration" page ) your name will appear in the list (the link above) as soon as the secretary checks your data.
Abstract submission 30/06/2024
Early registration 15/07/2024
Hotel reservation 15/07/2024
Manuscript submission 15/12/2024
General Program
  • September 8, Sunday afternoon
    CHANNELING 2024 Primer Session & Welcome Party
    Opening Lectures | Greetings
  • September 9, Monday - September 10, Tuesday
    Opening | Scientific Program
    Oral & Poster Sessions
  • September 11, Wednesday morning
    Scientific Program
    Oral Sessions
  • September 11, Wednesday afternoon
  • September 12, Thursday
    Scientific Program
    Oral & Poster Sessions
  • September 12, Thursday evening
    Social Dinner
  • September 13, Friday
    Scientific Program | Closing
    Oral & Poster Sessions