ALICE EMCal Production Kick-off Meeting
16-18 January 2008
16 January:
(h 9-18 Auletta Leale, Nuclear Physics Bldg 22, first floor)
Module design:
Review design of all parts in the assembly:
Start with the assembly CAD model
Part List:
lead absorber, scintillator tile, bond paper, backplate, compressionplate, belleville washers, belleville washers plunger, dowel pin, bushing, stud, frontplate, straps, strapflange, strapfoil, black sticker, frontplate, fiber bundle terminator, strongback, LED ferrule, preampl fiber manifold, APD mount, light guide, T-Card, T-Card fixation, coverplate,
Review engineering analysis:
Compression load
Number of Bellville washer
Friction coefficient
Torque and stress in all fasteners
Deflection/delamination results
17 January:
(h 9-18 Aula Direzione, Administration Building 1, first floor)
Finish items left from first day
Strip module design:
Integration of modules with the strong back:
Tolerance and clearance analysis
Review all interfaces.
Finalize and approve all fabrication drawings.
Strip module handling tooling
Discuss procurement plan of module components:
Complete Procurement spreadsheet
list of parts (A) + miscellaneous (screws, washers, nuts, etc...)
Subcontractors and lead institutions
Placing bids, first delivery, rate of production
Module Assembly Tooling and Assembly procedures:
Review assembly tooling design
Review assembly procedures, operator's manual, assembly time
Discuss inspection and QC plane
18 January:
(h 9-18 Aula Direzione, Administration Building 1, first floor)
Finish items left from second day
SM module Integration
SM Crate Final Design:
Electronic crate:
Status of conceptual design, envelop, interfaces
Crates Production and Shipping Plan
Review Production drawings
Crate production and assembly at B3 in 2008
Crate shipping to CERN, then to Grenoble and Yale
SM Assembly Procedures
SM assembly tooling
SM calibration: + stripmodules calibration ? modules calibration ?
SM shipping
Shipping frame design
Shipping plan (subcontract design and fabrication of frame?)
Shipping cost?
Integration with Alice:
SM acceptance test at Alice before installation
SM installation plan and resources