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INFN-LNF Network resources

Donatella Pierluigi
Phone: +390694032317
Fax: +390694032559

Reaching LNF | Transportations | Participants arriving by car | Maps | Hotel



Reaching the Frascati National Labs.return to top

The city of Frascati is located 20 Km south-east of Rome and about 50 Km east of the "Fiumicino" Airport.
The Frascati National Laboratories (LNF) are about 2 Km from Frascati downtown.
The Lab address is:

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Via Enrico Fermi, 40
00044 Frascati

Transportation return to top

Participants arriving by car return to top

Mapsreturn to top

Rome (schematic) Rome (Fiumicino Airport)
Frascati (city)       Frascati (Lab)
Rome (Termini Railway station)
Generate custom map (in Italian)

Hotelreturn to top

A limited number of rooms has been booked at Hotel Antica Colonia for the meeting period (January 16-18, 2008), therefore, in order to guarantee you the reservation at the discounted rate, you are requested to reserve the room by yourself within the morning of Juanuar 14, 2008 using the following form. After this date the rooms will be "on request".

Hotel Antica Colonia
phone: ++0694018061 fax: ++069420932
B&B Rates*
Single room
Euro 85,00
Double room
Euro 120,00
*per day
The option is for 18 rooms.

The hotel will provide a shuttle bus service from the hotel to the Lab and back.

Other hotels can be found in this list.