IBM Books

User's Guide

Fixing Compile-Time Problems

The following sections discuss common problems you might encounter while compiling, and how to avoid them.

Duplicating Extensions from Other Systems

Some ported programs may cause compilation problems because they rely on extensions that exist on other systems. XL Fortran supports many extensions like these, but some require compiler options to turn them on. See Options for Compatibility for a list of these options, and Chapter 14. Porting Programs to XL Fortran for a general discussion of porting.

Isolating Problems with Individual Compilation Units

If you find that a particular compilation unit requires specific option settings to compile properly, you may find it more convenient to apply the settings in the source file through an @PROCESS directive. Depending on the arrangement of your files, this approach may be simpler than recompiling different files with different command-line options.

Running out of Machine Resources

If the operating system runs low on resources (page space or disk space) while one of the compiler components is running, you should receive one of the following messages:

1501-229 Compilation ended because of lack of space.
1501-224 fatal error in /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/xlfentry: signal 9 received.
1517-011 Compilation ended.  No more system resources available.

You may need to increase the system page space and recompile your program. See AIX General Concepts and Procedures for more information about page space.

If your program produces a large object file, for example, by initializing all or part of a large array, you may need to do one of the following:

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