If individual users or all users on a particular machine have difficulty running the compiler, there may be a problem in the system environment. Here are some common problems and solutions:
xlf90: not found
xlf90_r: not found
xlf90_r7: not found
xlf95: not found
xlf95_r: not found
xlf95_r7: not found
xlf: not found
xlf_r: not found
xlf_r7: not found
f77: not found
The shell cannot locate the command to execute the compiler.
Solution: Make sure that your PATH environment variable includes the directory
/usr/bin. If the compiler is properly installed, the commands
you need to execute it are in this directory.
XL Fortran (initialization): Unable to configure
system calls.
IOT/Abort trap.
An application aborts when it tries to perform input/output.
Solution: In case this error happens, check:
Could not load program program
Error was: not enough space
The system cannot execute the compiler or an application program at
Solution: Set the storage limits for stack and data to "unlimited" for users who
experience this problem. For example, as superuser you can set both
your hard and soft limits with these ksh commands:
ulimit -s unlimited ulimit -d unlimited
Because non-superusers are not completely free to give themselves unlimited limits, if you are a superuser you may find it more convenient to edit the file /etc/security/limits to give all users unlimited stack and data segments (by entering -1 for these fields).
If the storage problem is in an XLF-compiled program, using the
-qsave option might prevent the program from exceeding the stack limit.
Explanation: The compiler allocates large internal data areas that may exceed the storage
limits for a user. XLF-compiled programs place more data on the stack
by default than in previous versions, also possibly exceeding the storage
limit. Because it is difficult to determine precise values for the
necessary limits, we recommend making them unlimited.
Could not load program program
Could not load library library_name.a
Error was: no such file or directory
Solution: Make sure the XL Fortran libraries are installed in /usr/lib, or set
the LIBPATH environment variable to include the directory where
libxlf90.a is installed if it is in a different
directory. See LIBPATH: Setting Library Search Paths for details of this environment variable.
Messages from the compiler or an XL Fortran application program are displayed
in the wrong language.
Solution: Set the appropriate national language environment. You can set the
national language for each user with the command
smit chlang. Alternatively, each user can set one or more
of the environment variables LANG, NLSPATH,
LC_MESSAGES, LC_TIME, and LC_ALL. If you are
not familiar with the purposes of these variables, Environment Variables for National Language Support provides details.
A compilation fails with an I/O error.
Solution: Increase the size of the /tmp filesystem, or set the environment
variable TMPDIR to the path of a filesystem that has more free
Explanation: The object file may have grown too large for the filesystem that holds
it. The cause could be a very large compilation unit, or initialization
of all or part of a large array in a declaration.
There are too many individual makefiles and compilation scripts to easily
maintain or track.
Solution: Add stanzas to the configuration file, and create links to the compiler by
using the names of these stanzas. By running the compiler with
different command names, you can provide consistent groups of compiler options
and other configuration settings to many users.