IBM Books

User's Guide

Customizing the Configuration File

The configuration file specifies information that the compiler uses when you invoke it. XL Fortran provides the default configuration file /etc/xlf.cfg at installation time.

If you are running on a single-user system, or if you already have a compilation environment with compilation scripts or makefiles, you may want to leave the default configuration file as it is.

Otherwise, especially if you want many users to be able to choose among several sets of compiler options, you may want to add new named stanzas to the configuration file, and create new commands that are links to existing commands. For example, you could specify something similar to the following to create a link to the xlf95 command:

ln -s /bin/xlf95 /home/lisa/bin/my_xlf95

When you run the compiler under another name, it uses whatever options, libraries, and so on, are listed in the corresponding stanza.


  1. The configuration file contains other named stanzas to which you may want to link. See Creating Other Compilation Commands for details.

  2. If you make any changes to the default configuration file, and then move or copy your makefiles to another system, you will also need to copy the changed configuration file.

  3. Installing a compiler program temporary fix (PTF) or upgrade may overwrite the /etc/xlf.cfg file. Therefore, be sure to save a copy of any modifications you have made before doing such an installation.

  4. You cannot use tabs as separator characters in the configuration file. If you modify the configuration file, make sure that you use spaces for any indentation.

  5. The xlf_r, xlf90_r, and xlf95_r stanzas support the operating system default thread interface; that is, Draft 7 for AIX Version 4.2.1 and the 1003.1-1996 standard for AIX Version 4.3.

  6. If you are mixing Message-Passing Interface (MPI) and threaded programming, use the appropriate stanza in the xlf.cfg file to link in the proper libraries and set the correct default behavior:

    Specifies xlf and f77 behavior when using MPI.
    Specifies xlf_r behavior when mixing MPI and threaded programming, except that the level of POSIX pthreads API support does not depend solely on the level of the operating system. You access this stanza by specifying the mpxlf_r command. The level of POSIX pthreads API support is Draft 7 if you are using Parallel Environment Version 2.3 (even if you are running on AIX Version 4.3), and the 1003.1-1996 standard if you are using Parallel Environment Version 2.4.
    Specifies xlf_r7 behavior when mixing MPI and threaded programming. You access this stanza by specifying the mpxlf_r command with the -d7 option when using Parallel Environment Version 2.4. The level of POSIX pthreads API support is Draft 7.
    Specifies xlf90 behavior when using MPI.
    Specifies xlf90_r behavior when mixing MPI and threaded programming, except that the level of POSIX pthreads API support does not depend solely on the level of the operating system. You access this stanza by specifying the mpxlf90_r command. The level of POSIX pthreads API support is Draft 7 if you are using Parallel Environment Version 2.3 (even if you are running on AIX Version 4.3), and the 1003.1-1996 standard if you are using Parallel Environment Version 2.4.
    Specifies xlf90_r7 behavior when mixing MPI and threaded programming. You access this stanza by specifying the mpxlf90_r command with the -d7 option when using Parallel Environment Version 2.4. The level of POSIX pthreads API support is Draft 7.
    Specifies xlf95 behavior when using MPI.
    Specifies xlf95_r behavior when mixing MPI and threaded programming, except that the level of POSIX pthreads API support does not depend solely on the level of the operating system. You access this stanza by specifying the mpxlf95_r command. The level of POSIX pthreads API support is Draft 7 if you are using Parallel Environment Version 2.3 (even if you are running on AIX Version 4.3), and the 1003.1-1996 standard if you are using Parallel Environment Version 2.4.
    Specifies xlf95_r7 behavior when mixing MPI and threaded programming. You access this stanza by specifying the mpxlf95_r command with the -d7 option when using Parallel Environment Version 2.4. The level of POSIX pthreads API support is Draft 7.


The configuration file contains the following attributes:

The named and local stanzas provide the values for attributes. For single-valued attributes, values in the use attribute apply if there is no value in the local, or default, stanza. For comma-separated lists, the values from the use attribute are added to the values from the local stanza. You can only use a single level of the use attribute. Do not specify a use attribute that names a stanza with another use attribute.

When invoked in 32-bit mode, the path name of the object file that contains the startup code, passed as the first parameter to the linkage editor.

When invoked in 64-bit mode, the path name of the object file that contains the startup code, passed as the first parameter to the linkage editor.

Same as for crt, but the object file contains profiling code for the -p option.

Same as for crt_64, but the object file contains profiling code for the -p option.

Same as crt, but the object file contains profiling code for the -pg option.

Same as crt_64, but the object file contains profiling code for the -pg option.

The absolute path name of the C preprocessor, which is automatically called for files ending with a specific suffix (usually .F).

The absolute path name of the VAST-2 preprocessor. (1)

The absolute path name of the KAP preprocessor. (1)

The absolute path name of the main compiler executable file. The compiler commands are driver programs that execute this file.

The absolute path name of the optimizing code generator.

Lists names of options that are assumed to be compiler options, for cases where, for example, a compiler option and a linker option use the same letter. The list is a concatenated set of single-letter flags. Any flag that takes an argument is followed by a colon, and the whole list is enclosed by double quotation marks.

The absolute path name of the assembler.

Lists names of options that are assumed to be assembler options, for cases where, for example, a compiler option and an assembler option use the same letter. The list is a concatenated set of single-letter flags. Any flag that takes an argument is followed by a colon, and the whole list is enclosed by double quotation marks. You may find it more convenient to set up this attribute than to pass options to the assembler through the -W compiler option.

The absolute path name of the linker.

Lists names of options that are assumed to be linker options, for cases where, for example, a compiler option and a linker option use the same letter. The list is a concatenated set of single-letter flags. Any flag that takes an argument is followed by a colon, and the whole list is enclosed by double quotation marks.

You may find it more convenient to set up this attribute than to pass options to the linker through the -W compiler option. However, most unrecognized options are passed to the linker anyway.

A string of options, which is separated by commas. The compiler processes these options as if you entered them on the command line before any other option. This attribute lets you shorten the command line by including commonly used options in one central place.

A string of options, which is separated by commas, to be processed by cpp as if you entered them on the command line before any other option. This attribute is needed because some cpp options are usually required to produce output that can be compiled by XL Fortran. The default options are -C (which preserves any C-style comments in the output), and -P (which prevents #line directives from being generated).

The allowed suffix for Fortran source files. The default is f. The compiler requires that all source files in a single compilation have the same suffix. Therefore, to compile files with other suffixes, such as f95, you must change this attribute in the configuration file, or use the -qsuffix compiler option. For more information on -qsuffix, see -qsuffix Option.

The suffix that indicates a file must be preprocessed by the C preprocessor (cpp) before being compiled by XL Fortran. The default is F.

The suffix used to recognize object files that are specified as input files. The default is o.

The suffix used to recognize assembler files that are specified as input files. The default is s.

-l options, which are separated by commas, that specify the libraries used to link all programs.

-L options, which are separated by commas, that specify the path where the linker searches for additional libraries for profiled programs.

Specifies the libraries that are used to link programs that you compiled with the -qsmp compiler option.

Specifies the libraries that you need if you are running on AIX Version 4.3.

Specifies the libraries that you need if you are running on AIX Version 4.3 and have specified the -qsmp option.

Absolute path name of the program that does loop optimizations when you specify the -qhot option.

Absolute path name of the program that performs interprocedural optimizations when you specify the -qipa option.

Absolute path name of the binder (fast linker).

Absolute path name of the default message files.

Indicates the search path that is used with the -q32 compiler option and the location of the 32-bit versions of the pthreads .mod files.

Indicates the search path that is used with the -q64 compiler option and the location of the 64-bit versions of the pthreads .mod files.

What a Configuration File Looks Like

The following is an example of a typical configuration file:

* Standard Fortran compiler
xlf95:    use        = DEFLT
          libraries  = -lxlf90,-lxlf,-lm,-lc
          proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          options    = -qfree=f90
* Alias for standard Fortran compiler
f95:      use        = DEFLT
          libraries  = -lxlf90,-lxlf,-lm,-lc
          proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          options    = -qfree=f90
          fsuffix    = f95
* Fortran 90 compiler
xlf90:    use        = DEFLT
          libraries  = -lxlf90,-lxlf,-lm,-lc
          proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          options    = -qxlf90=noautodealloc:nosignedzero,-qfree=f90 
* Alias for Fortran 90 compiler
f90:      use        = DEFLT
          libraries  = -lxlf90,-lxlf,-lm,-lc
          proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          options    = -qxlf90=noautodealloc:nosignedzero,-qfree=f90 
          fsuffix    = f90
* Original Fortran compiler
xlf:      use        = DEFLT
          libraries  = -lxlf90,-lxlf,-lm,-lc
          proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          options    = -qnozerosize,-qsave,-qalias=intptr,-qposition=appendold,
* Alias for original Fortran compiler
f77:      use        = DEFLT
          libraries  = -lxlf90,-lxlf,-lm,-lc
          proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          options    = -qnozerosize,-qsave,-qalias=intptr,-qposition=appendold,
* xlf with links to thread-safe components
xlf_r:  use        = DEFLT
        crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
        mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
        gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
        libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lpthreads,-lm_r,-lm,-lc_r,
        aix43libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lpthreads,-lm,-lc
        proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
        smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,-lpthreads,-lm_r,-lm,
        aix43smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,-lpthreads,-lm,-lc
        options    = -qthreaded,-qnozerosize,-qsave,-qalias=intptr,-qposition=appendold,
* xlf90 with links to thread-safe components
xlf90_r:  use        = DEFLT
          crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
          mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
          gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
          libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lpthreads,-lm_r,-lm,
          aix43libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lpthreads,-lm,-lc
          proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,-lpthreads,-lm_r,-lm,
          aix43smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,-lpthreads,-lm,-lc
          options    = -qxlf90=noautodealloc:nosignedzero,-qfree=f90,-qthreaded 
* xlf95 with links to thread-safe components
xlf95_r:  use        = DEFLT
          crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
          mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
          gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
          libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lpthreads,
          aix43libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lpthreads,-lm,-lc
          proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,-lpthreads,
          aix43smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,-lpthreads,-lm,-lc
          options    = -qfree=f90,-qthreaded
* xlf with links to thread-safe components (AIX POSIX Draft 7 Threads)
xlf_r7: use        = DEFLT
        crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
        mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
        gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
        libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lpthreads,
        aix43libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlfpthrds_compat,-lxlf90_r,
        proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
        smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,-lpthreads,-lm_r,
        aix43smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlfpthrds_compat,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,
        options    = -qthreaded,-qnozerosize,-qsave,-qalias=intptr,-qposition=appendold,
        include_32 = -I/usr/lpp/xlf/include_32_d7
* xlf90 with links to thread-safe components (AIX POSIX Draft 7 Threads)
xlf90_r7: use        = DEFLT
          crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
          mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
          gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
          libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lpthreads,
          aix43libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlfpthrds_compat,-lxlf90_r,
          proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,-lpthreads,-lm_r,
          aix43smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlfpthrds_compat,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,
          options    = -qxlf90=noautodealloc:nosignedzero,-qfree=f90,-qthreaded 
          include_32 = -I/usr/lpp/xlf/include_32_d7
* xlf95 with links to thread-safe components (AIX POSIX Draft 7 Threads)
xlf95_r7: use        = DEFLT
          crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
          mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
          gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
          libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lpthreads,-lm_r,-lm,
          aix43libraries  = -L/lib/threads,-lxlfpthrds_compat,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,
          proflibs   = -L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,-lpthreads,-lm_r,
          aix43smplibraries = -L/lib/threads,-lxlfpthrds_compat,-lxlf90_r,-lxlf,-lxlsmp,
          options    = -qfree=f90,-qthreaded
          include_32 = -I/usr/lpp/xlf/include_32_d7
* PE Fortran, with Fortran 95 behavior
mpxlf95:  use        = DEFLT
          libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/ip,-lmpi,-lvtd,
          proflibs   = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled,-L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          options    = -qfree=f90,-binitfini:poe_remote_main 
          include    = -I/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/include
* PE Fortran, with Fortran 90 behavior
mpxlf90:  use        = DEFLT
          libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/ip,-lmpi,
          proflibs   = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled,-L/lib/profiled,-L/usr/lib/profiled
          options    = -qxlf90=noautodealloc:nosignedzero,-qfree=f90, 
          include    = -I/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/include
* PE Fortran, with FORTRAN 77 behavior
mpxlf:    use        = DEFLT
          libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/ip,-lmpi,
          proflibs   = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled,-L/lib/profiled,
          options    = -qnozerosize,-qsave,-qalias=intptr,-qposition=appendold,
          include    = -I/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/include
* PE Fortran, with Fortran 95 behavior, and links to thread-safe components
mpxlf95_r:  use        = DEFLT
            crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
            mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
            gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
            libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            aix43libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            proflibs   = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled/threads,
            smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            aix43smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            options    = -qthreaded,-qfree=f90,-binitfini:poe_remote_main 
            include    = -I/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/include
* PE Fortran, with Fortran 90 behavior, and links to thread-safe components
mpxlf90_r:  use        = DEFLT
            crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
            mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
            gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
            libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            aix43libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            proflibs   = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled,
            smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            aix43smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            options    = -qxlf90=noautodealloc:nosignedzero,-qthreaded,-qfree=f90, 
            include    = -I/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/include
* PE Fortran, with FORTRAN 77 behavior, and links to thread-safe components
mpxlf_r:  use        = DEFLT
          crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
          mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
          gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
          libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
          aix43libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
          proflibs   = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled,
          smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
          aix43smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
          options    = -qthreaded,-qnozerosize,-qsave,-qalias=intptr,-qposition=appendold,
          include    = -I/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/include
* mpxlf95_r, links to thread-safe components (AIX POSIX Draft 7 Threads)
mpxlf95_r7: use        = DEFLT
            crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
            mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
            gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
            libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            aix43libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            proflibs   = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled/threads,
            smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            aix43smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            options    = -qthreaded,-qfree=f90,-binitfini:poe_remote_main 
            include    = -I/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/include
            include_32 = -I/usr/lpp/xlf/include_32_d7
* mpxlf90_r, links to thread-safe components (AIX POSIX Draft 7 Threads)
mpxlf90_r7: use        = DEFLT
            crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
            mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
            gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
            libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            aix43libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            proflibs   = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled/threads,
            smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            aix43smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
            options    = -qxlf90=noautodealloc:nosignedzero,-qthreaded,-qfree=f90, 
            include    = -I/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/include
            include_32 = -I/usr/lpp/xlf/include_32_d7
* mpxlf_r, links to thread-safe components (AIX POSIX Draft 7 Threads)
mpxlf_r7: use        = DEFLT
          crt        = /lib/crt0_r.o
          mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0_r.o
          gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0_r.o
          libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
          aix43libraries  = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
          proflibs   = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/profiled,
          smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
          aix43smplibraries = -L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/threads,-L/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib,
          options    = -qthreaded,-qnozerosize,-qsave,-qalias=intptr,-qposition=appendold,
          include    = -I/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/include
          include_32 = -I/usr/lpp/xlf/include_32_d7
* Common definitions
DEFLT:    xlf     = /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/xlfentry
          crt        = /lib/crt0.o
          mcrt       = /lib/mcrt0.o
          gcrt       = /lib/gcrt0.o
          crt_64     = /lib/crt0_64.o
          mcrt_64    = /lib/mcrt0_64.o
          gcrt_64    = /lib/gcrt0_64.o
          include_32 = -I/usr/lpp/xlf/include_32
          include_64 = -I/usr/lpp/xlf/include_64
          fppv       = /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/fppv
          fppk       = /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/fppk
          dis        = /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/dis
          code       = /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/xlfcode
          hot        = /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/xlfhot
          ipa        = /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/ipa
          bolt       = /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/bolt
          as         = /bin/as
          ld         = /bin/ld
          cppoptions = -C
          options    = -bh:4
          defaultmsg = /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/default_msg

XL Fortran provides the library libxlf90_r.a in addition to libxlf90_t.a. The library libxlf90_r.a is a superset of libxlf90_t.a. The file xlf.cfg has been set up to link to libxlf90_r.a automatically when you use the xlf90_r, xlf90_r7, xlf95_r, xlf95_r7, xlf_r, and xlf_r7 commands.
Related Information:You can use the -F Option to select a different configuration file, or a specific stanza in the configuration file, or both.


(1) You must purchase this program separately. See Where to Find the Optimizing Preprocessors for details.

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