IBM Books

User's Guide

Where to Find the Optimizing Preprocessors

In XL Fortran Version 2, the -Pk and -Pv preprocessors were supplied with the compiler. Now they are separate products available from third-party vendors. Their manual names and order numbers are listed in Other Publications.

-Pk Preprocessor (Now Called the KAP Preprocessor)

For orders or inquiries about this software and its manuals, contact the following organization:

Kuck and Associates
Attention: Sales Dept.
1906 Fox Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 356-5184
(217) 356-5199 (facsimile)

You can also send inquiries electronically to

-Pv Preprocessor (Now Called the VAST-2 Preprocessor)

For orders or inquiries about this software and its manuals, contact the following organization:

Pacific-Sierra Research Corp.
Computer Products Group
2901 28th Street
Santa Monica, CA  90405
(310) 314-2300 Extension 343
(310) 314-2323 (facsimile)

You can also send inquiries electronically to

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