How to register the first time...
TA-LNF users, before coming to the LNF, should register using the TA-LNF REGISTRATION FORM (mandatory). The registration consists of some information requested by the administration, including the arrival and departure dates and housing request (to book a room in the Guesthouse, go to the link Guesthouse reservation).
... and what to do before every visit
TA-LNF Registered users should send information about next visits as soon as possible. This will be possible updating their own registration in the above mentioned TA-LNF REGISTRATION FORM.
- Valid passport or Identity Card.
- Hospitality Procedure: contact Alessandra Tamborrino Orsini at least 15 days before arrival in order to fullfill hospitality procedures and do the requested bureaucracy.
- Fiscal and social security framework form.
- Any receipts related to the travel to Frascati.
- At their arrival at the LNF, TA-LNF users who haven't got an INFN badge will be given a provisional visitor badge at the main entrance.
- Once inside, they must go to the TA-LNF Secretariat office:
Alessandra Tamborrino Orsini Building 22 First Floor - After completion of the hospitality procedure at LNF, guests will receive an identification badge from the Protocol Office (Building 30, Ground Floor).
- see also the DR External Users.
- contact the head of the facility which his/her project refers to, in order to agree the most convenient periods to carry out the project at the LNF;
- inform all the members of his/her group about the online registration as TARI users, giving them the link to the TA-LNF registration form, the Project number and the Project name;
- send a Summary Report containing the Project achievements in the following occasions: before the USP meetings (see the "Call for Proposals" for the dates), and at the end of every visit;
- fill the online questionnaire, at the end of the project;
- published results obtained within the EU programme, should explicitly quote the Grant Agreement under which the results have been obtained:
STRONG-2020 "The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications" has received funding from the European Union's Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement n° 824093.
The Group Leader should: