ATLAS Experiment
Since more than ten years my research activity has been devoted in experimental particle physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) -- the world's largest particle accelerator, located at CERN near Geneva, Swizerland, with the ATLAS experiment. I'm involved in reconstruction of detector data, detector construction, physics analysis, software developments.
Development of algorithms for the reconstruction of jets and transverse missing energy, for the design of a new tracking detector for the high luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) expected to start in 2026.
Development of trigger algorhitms for multi-jets selection for the HL-LHC phase.
Development of a particle flow algorithm for jet reconstruction. (2012-2015)
Prospects of Higgs-Boson Measurement for the high luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) expected to start in 2026 (2016-2020), used as inputs for the European Strategy of Particle Physics.
Search of new physics where long-lived neutral particles decaying into displaced lepton-jets.
Analysis for the Higgs boson discovery in the H→ WW* channel.
Co-convener of the Higgs Prospect group (2017 - present)
Co-convener of the Missing Transverse Energy reconstruction group (2016 - 2017)
Co-convener of “Track & TopoCluster Forum” (2013 - 2016)
Responsible for the Data Quality monitoring the E T miss reconstruction (2015 - present)
The LNF group will assemble and commission one pixel outer endcap of the new tracker (ITk) of the ATLAS experiment, which will replace the current one for the the high luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) in 2026.
Responsibile of the LNF group for this activity since 2018.