
[Fwd: RA Position at Univ. of Illinois]

Date: Mon, 08 May 2000 08:46:47 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Birgit Breetzke <bbahr@mail.desy.de>
Subject: RA Position at Univ. of Illinois
To: zeus+zeuscp@desy.de
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                         RESEARCH ASSOCIATE POSITIONS
                       Experimental High Energy Physics
                      University of Illinois at Chicago

    The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) high energy physics group
is seeking applications for one or two research associate positions,
beginning as early as July 2000.  The group participates in the D0
experiment at Fermilab and the CMS experiment at CERN.  The group has been
active on physics analyses of D0 data from the last run, with an emphasis
on QCD and electroweak physics.  We are currently involved in the run II
upgrade of the D0 detector, focusing on the level-2 trigger, and in the
optical readout and trigger monitoring of the hadron calorimeter at CMS.
A newly hired faculty member has joined the group with an interest on
silicon detectors. 

    The successful candidate is expected to take a leadership role in D0
run II physics analysis, and contribute to our technical responsibilities
on D0 or CMS.  Candidates should have earned a Ph.D. in high energy
physics and preference will be given to applicants with experience or
strong interest in silicon detectors or trigger systems.

    Interested candidates should provide a curriculum vita and a brief
description of research interests, and arrange to have three letters of
recommendation sent to: 

    HEP Group
    Department of Physics (M/C 273)
    University of Illinois at Chicago
    845 W. Taylor #2236
    Chicago, IL 60607-7059

    e-mail:  uichep@hepalpha1.phy.uic.edu

    Review of applicants will begin June 15, 2000, and will continue until
    the position is filled. UIC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity