Date |
At |
Where |
Speaker |
Talk |
Title |
18-06-2025 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Conesa Balbastre Gustavo | | Isolated photons measurements with the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter at the LHC Run1 and 2 |
28-05-2025 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Fabio Galasso (Roma Univ.) | | Learning with uncertainty for computer vision |
21-03-2025 |
11:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Giancarlo Ferrera | | Sudakov resummation of thrust distribution in e+e- annihilation |
18-03-2025 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Pier Giuseppe Catinari ((Univ.& INFN Roma) | | Hunting axion dark matter with anti-ferromagnets: a case study with nickel oxide |
14-03-2025 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Giancarlo Ferrera | | QCD at LHC |
05-03-2025 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Masaki Hori (Imperial College London) | | Determination of the charged kaon mass by laser spectroscopy of kaonic helium atoms at DAPHNE |
28-02-2025 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Luca Visinelli (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.) | PDF | Searching for Axion Dark Matter with Radio Telescopes |
26-02-2025 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Silvia Tosi | | LIMS: dusty envelopes as fingerprints of the nucleosynthesis, dust production and mass loss mechanisms |
25-02-2025 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Giulio Marino (INFN Pisa) | | (H)ALPing the 511 keV line: A thermal DM interpretation of the 511 keV emission |
18-02-2025 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Giorgio Dho | | X-ray polarization from astrophysical sources. Current status and future prospects with HypeX project |
07-02-2025 |
14:00 |
Aula Conversi |
Atsushi Tokiyasu (Tohoku Univ.) | | Hadron and Nuclear Physics with Photon Beams in Japan |
01-02-2025 |
14:00 |
Aula Conversi |
Atsushi Tokiyasu | | Hadron and Nuclear Physics with Photon Beams in Japan |
29-01-2025 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Giuseppe Gagliardi (U. Roma Tre) | | Status of Theory Calculations of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment |
11-12-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Oton Vazquez Doce (LNF INFN) | PDF | Exploring the Strong Interaction of Three-Body Systems at the LHC |
03-12-2024 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Vsevolod Chestnov | | Advances and Prospects in Feynman Integral Calculus for Precision Collider Physics |
27-11-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Pavel Fileviez (Case Western Reserve Univ.) | PDF | On the Origin of Neutrino Masses |
19-11-2024 |
09:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Adolfo Esposito | | lezione nell'ambito del Master di II livello in Agenti Fisici e Radioprotezione, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" |
12-11-2024 |
10:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Davide Mleoni | | journal club |
06-11-2024 |
11:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Gianluca Gregori (Oxford Univ.) | | Suppression of pair beam instabilities in a laboratory analogue of blazar pair cascades |
31-10-2024 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Kazuki Sakurai (Warsaw Univ.) | | Testing Quantum Mechanics at Colliders |
30-10-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Barbieri, Iorio, Pronti, Cestelli Guidi, Romani, Zappala' | | Research and development at the DA?NE-L and LASR3 laboratories: Preliminary results achieved on an unknown version of the painti |
29-10-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Ludovico Vittorio (LAPTh, Annecy) | | An extended overview on $B \to D^{(*)} \ell \nu$ decays within the Standard Model |
17-10-2024 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Felipe Friggi | | Neutron dosimetry at IEAv Brazil |
16-10-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Giovanni+Grilli+di+Cortona | | Atoms as electron accelerators: leveraging atomic electron momentum distribution in fixed target experiments |
09-10-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Davide Racco (ETH Zurigo) | PDF | Dark Matter: from freeze-in to gravitational production |
08-10-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Joel Christopher Swallow | PDF | New measurement of the $K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ decay by the NA62 Experiment |
26-09-2024 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Marco Fedele | | New Physics in B decays: bugs or features? |
25-09-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Alberto Salvio (Tor Vergata Univ.) | | Going Beyond the Standard Paradigm |
18-09-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Angelo Esposito (Roma Univ.) | PDF | Low-energy avenues for light dark matter searches |
16-07-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Sougata Ganguly (Systems, Chungnam National University, Republic | | Constraining majoron by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis |
11-07-2024 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Daniele Barducci (Univ.&INFN Pisa) | | The effective theory of right-handed neutrinos at collider |
03-07-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Keri Vos (Maastricht Univ/Nikhef) | PDF | Solving Beautiful Puzzles |
01-07-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Prof. Pietro Musumeci (UCLA) | | Compact waveguide THz-FEL at UCLA Pegasus Laboratory |
27-06-2024 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Mrinal Dasgupta | PDF | Analytic QCD ingredients for NNLL resummation and parton showers |
25-06-2024 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Vincenzo Fiorentino (Padova Univ.) | | QCD axion couplings at finite density |
21-06-2024 |
14:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Dr. H.Avagyan | | Understanding the hadronization process |
19-06-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Diego Guadagnoli (LAPTH CNRS) | | Axion emission from strange matter in core-collapse supernova events |
18-06-2024 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Oscar Alberto Zapata Nore?a (U. de Antioquia, CO) | | Dark matter in QCD-like theories with a theta vacuum: cosmological and astrophysical implications |
04-06-2024 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Alexander Lind | | Higgs interference effects in top-quark pair production in the 1HSM |
28-05-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Georg Weiglein (DESY) | PDF | Exploring the Higgs potential and its impact on the evolution of the early Universe |
22-05-2024 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Giacomo Landini (universitat de Valencia) | | Dynamical origin of neutrino masses and dark matter from a new confining sector |
21-05-2024 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Yogendra Narain Srivastava | | Win-Win for LHC and CERN |
20-05-2024 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Anurag Tripathi | | Understanding the building blocks of the colour structure of the multi-parton scattering amplitudes beyond 3 loops |
24-04-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
M. Bordone (CERN) | PDF | The Vcb puzzle: status and progress |
23-04-2024 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Sebastian Hoof | | Helioscope Searches for Axion Phenomenology |
08-04-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Howard Baer (Oklahoma Univ.) | PDF | Natural SUSY, string landscape and implications for LHC |
07-02-2024 |
14:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Vittorio Del Duca (LNF INFN) | PDF | Top and b mass effects in Higgs production at LHC |
25-01-2024 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Lala Gahramanli (Baku State Univ.) | | Modeling graphene nanocomposites: Structural, Electrical, and Optical Properties |
17-01-2024 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
M. Boscolo (LNF INFN) | PDF | Studies and Plans for the Future Circular Collider |
15-11-2023 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Antonio De Santis | | Overview of the PEROV results |
26-10-2023 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Maria Ubiali (Cambridge) | PDF | Interplay between PDF fits and new physics |
24-10-2023 |
15:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Jesper Leong (Adelaide Univ.) | | Neutron star and dense nuclear matter with phenomenological short distance repulsion. |
04-10-2023 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Andre Hoang (Vienna) | | Interpretation of the top-quark mass parameter |
28-09-2023 |
09:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Adolfo Esposito | | Seminario nell'ambito del Master ?AGENTI FISICI E RADIOPROTEZIONE? Istituito presso il Dipartimento di Fisica |
27-09-2023 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Mathieu Goffe (IPHC CNRS) | | Il sensore a pixel monolitici MIMOSIS |
27-09-2023 |
15:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Irene Bolognino (Adelaide Univ.) | PDF | Dark Matter direct detection at the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory |
12-06-2023 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Camilo Garcia Cely | | Gravitational waves generate oscillating electromagnetic effects in the vicinity of external electric and magnetic fields. I wi |
15-05-2023 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Alfredo Iorio | | Chasing quantum gravity on Dirac materials |
12-04-2023 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Dr. Benjamin Stefanek (Zurich Univ.) | PDF | The Flavor Puzzle as a Hint for Light New Physics in the Third Family |
13-03-2023 |
08:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Silvia Pisano | | Visita ART&Science |
22-02-2023 |
11:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Ilaria Brivio (Univ. & INFN Bologna) | PDF | The hunt for non-resonant signals of new physics at the LHC |
10-02-2023 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Modestino (LNF INFN) | | Extended interpretation of Keplerian Laws |
25-01-2023 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dibyashree Sengupta | PDF | Supersymmetry, naturalness and the landscape |
16-01-2023 |
08:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Piccolo | | Visita Art & Science |
10-01-2023 |
10:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Barbara Sciascia | | lezione nuove guide |
21-12-2022 |
16:00 |
Aula Seminari |
A. D'Elia | | RESILIENCE seminario |
20-12-2022 |
08:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A.Mostacci, E.Chiadroni | | Seminario per Studenti Sapienza |
19-12-2022 |
08:30 |
Aula Salvini |
A.Mostacci | | Seminario Studenti Sapienza |
19-12-2022 |
08:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A.Mostacci, E.Chiadroni | | seminario Studenti Sapienza |
15-12-2022 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
E. Nardi | | The X17 boson anomaly: status and prospects |
14-12-2022 |
14:00 |
Aula Divisione Acceleratori |
Giacomo Giannetti | | Seminario G. Giannetti (Piersanti) |
13-12-2022 |
09:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Ricci | | Visita ITIS Giorgi Wolf |
12-12-2022 |
08:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Piccolo | | Visita Art & Science |
25-11-2022 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Roberto Franceschini (Roma 3 U.) | PDF | Energy peaks and decay lengths to measure the top-quark mass |
23-11-2022 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Maral Salajegheh | PDF | Heavy-meson fragmentation functions |
02-11-2022 |
11:00 |
Aula Direzione |
Giovanni Zevi della Porta | | Recent results and future challenges of the AWAKE experiment |
11-10-2022 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Luca Panizzi | | A fermionic portal to vector Dark Matter |
06-10-2022 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Despotovic (Belgrado Univ.) | | Quantifying organization of collagen fibers in the uninvolved human colon mucosa 10 cm and 20 cm away from the malignant tumor |
05-10-2022 |
11:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Milind Diwan (BNL) | | Far forward detectors at the high luminosity LHC |
27-09-2022 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Zaza Chubinidze | PDF | Bulk MicroMegas chambers construction |
26-07-2022 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Miguel Angel Caballero | | Humidity measurements with cosmic neutrons - Seminar |
09-06-2022 |
15:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Miguel Caballero | | Cosmic rays neutron sensor - Seminar |
30-05-2022 |
14:00 |
Auletta Leale |
H. Avakian | | Spin structure of the nucleon: current status and future measurements |
10-05-2022 |
10:00 |
Aula Salvini |
S. Petrovic (Belgrade Univ.) | | Dynamics of classical singularities in 2D symmetric potentials |
10-05-2022 |
11:00 |
Aula Salvini |
T. Trtic Petrovic | | Ionic Liquids designed solvents for green chemistry application |
28-04-2022 |
09:00 |
Aula Salvini |
S.Bertelli | | Stage studenti Liceo Ferrara |
22-04-2022 |
14:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Mostacci A. | | Mostacci A. |
21-04-2022 |
14:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Mostacci A. | | Evento Mostacci A. |
11-04-2022 |
11:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Bertelli S | | Visita Scuola Roma |
15-12-2021 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Alessio Mangoni (INFN Perugia) | PDF | The complex structure of nucleon form factors exploring the Riemann surfaces of their ratio |
15-12-2021 |
16:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Harut Avagyan | PDF | 3D Structure of the Nucleon: from JLab12 to JLab24 |
22-11-2021 |
15:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Galileo Violini | | Physics Development in Great Caribbean Region ? Possibilities of collaboration with DAΦNE |
19-11-2021 |
15:00 |
Aula Salvini |
Jack A. Tuszynski (Alberta Univ.) | | Uncovering Electrodynamic Design Principles of Living Cells and a Potential Role of Quantum Interactions in Cellular Signal Proc |
17-11-2021 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Oton Vazquez Doce | | Antikaon-deuteron measurements at Frascati. A new era of hadron-hadron interaction measurements |
06-10-2021 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Juan Jose' Gomez Cadenas | PDF | Boldly exploring the Majorana Landscape. The NEXT program for neutrinoless double beta decay searches |
30-09-2021 |
11:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
F. Galvagno (ETH Zurigo) | PDF | Wilson loops as defects in N=2 conformal field theories |
22-09-2021 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Giorgio Gratta (Standford) | PDF | The hunt for Neutrinoless double-beta decay with nEXO |
24-09-2020 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Tommaso Spadaro (INFN LNF) | PDF | Recent results from NA62 on K+ -> pi+ nu nu-bar |
17-09-2020 |
14:30 |
Aula Salvini |
Paolo Lipari (INFN Roma) | PDF | High Energy sources and Multi-messenger astrophysics |
07-02-2008 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Ranucci (INFN - Milano) | | Risultati esperimento Borexino |
04-02-2008 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. Aram Saharyan (Yerevan) | | Vacuum densities for a thick brane in AdS spacetime |
16-01-2008 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
U. Schade (Bessy - Berlin) | PDF | THz Spectroscopy with Coherent Synchrotron Radiation |
11-01-2008 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
N. Perkins, U. Wisconsin | | The ground state of orbitally degenerate spinels |
21-12-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Di Matteo, Lab PALMS, U. de Rennes-1 | | The phase diagram of V2O3. |
20-12-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Alessandra Corsi (IASF/INAF Area Ricerca Tor Vergata) | | Exploring the nature of Gamma-Ray Burst progenitors: afterglow |
17-12-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Carlo Ligi (LNF) | PDF | RAP rivelazione acustica di particelle |
06-12-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Akaki Rusetsky - Bonn University | | $ar Kd$ scattering in the effective field theory |
05-12-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Wang Yifang (IHEP, Beijing) | | From BEPC to Daya Bay - An introduction of particle physics in China. |
04-12-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Levon Hovsepyan - Yerevan Physics Institute | | Lambda Polarization in the Target Fragmentation Region |
03-12-2007 |
14:30 |
Auletta Leale |
Harut Avakian , Yerevan Physics Institute | | Generalized Parton Distributions |
30-11-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S. P. Tripathy (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India) | | Neutron dosimetry at the Bhabha Atomic Research Center |
29-11-2007 |
09:30 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Ohanyan | | Supersymmetric MICZ-Kepler systems |
29-11-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
R. Mishra (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India) | | Development of direct 222Rn/220Rn progeny sensing techniques using LR-115 nuclear track detectors |
28-11-2007 |
13:30 |
Auletta Leale |
Harut Avakian - Yerevn Physics Institute | | Studies of the transverse structure of nucleon at JLab |
28-11-2007 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
pat frank | | global warming seminar |
27-11-2007 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Pat Frank (Department of Chemistry, Stanford University) | | From Physics through Chemistry into Biology: A new vanadium enzymology in |
16-11-2007 |
09:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
06-11-2007 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Ferrario | | Corso di Fisica degli Acceleratori per il Personale Amministrativo dell'INFN |
05-11-2007 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Ferrario | | Corso di Fisica degli Acceleratori per il Personale Amministrativo dell'INFN |
26-10-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
isidori | | |
26-10-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Isidori (INFN - LNF) | | On the Higgs sector of the MSSM |
24-10-2007 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Selma Uhlig | | Solving the flavour problem with hierarchical fermion wave functions |
24-10-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Selma Uhlig (TU Munich) | | Solving the flavour problem with hierarchical fermion wave functions |
23-10-2007 |
10:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Marta Losada | | Effects of R-parity violating couplings on the Electroweak Phase Transition |
22-10-2007 |
10:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Krivonos (Dubna) | | Harmonic superspace theories |
22-10-2007 |
11:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
sutulin (dubna) | | Susy mechanics |
15-10-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Eidelman, BINP | | New Results on Tau Lepton Decays from B Factories |
28-09-2007 |
17:30 |
Aula Seminari |
bruno dulach | | attività dei LNF |
26-09-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Prof. Nasser Mirfakhrai | | Study on the performance of large drift chambers filled with a He-based mixture |
13-09-2007 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
A. Yu. Korchyn (Ins. for Theoretical Physics, NSC | | Radiative decays with light scalar mesons in Resonance Chiral Theory |
13-09-2007 |
11:00 |
Auletta Puls |
A. Yu. Korchyn (Ins. for Theoretical Physics, NSC "Kharkov Ins." | | Radiative decays with light scalar mesons in Resonance Chiral Theory |
07-09-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Leticia Cunqueiro | | Medium Modified Fragmentation Functions |
24-07-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Michela Massimi | | The origins of Pauli's exclusion principle:between the old and the new quantum theory |
23-07-2007 |
14:30 |
Auletta Leale |
Amaya O. Casampva Diaz | | Direct prompt photon poduction in pp and PbPb collisions at LHC. Detection with EMCALC |
12-07-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
P.Q. Hung | | Implications of the model of electroweak-scale right-handed neutrino mass |
10-07-2007 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Biryukov | | Channeling in carbon nanotubes |
08-07-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
P.Q. Hung | | Seminario Spring Institute |
07-07-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Colangelo | | Seminario Spring Institute |
05-07-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Luca Cavoto (U. Roma La Sapienza) | PDF | D0-D0bar mixing at B-factories |
04-07-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Stefano Torre (INFN - LNF) | | Measurement of b-quark production cross sections at Tevatron |
28-06-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Amaya Ofelia Casanova Diaz | | Direct prompt photon detection in the ALICE-EMCal. The isolation cut analysis |
27-06-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Gennady Fedotovich (BINP-Novosibirsk) | | Current Status of VEPP2000 and CMD-3 detector |
21-06-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
A. Nersessian | | Anisotropic Spherical Oscillator |
20-06-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Direzione |
Elena G. Ferreiro - Univ. de Santiago de Compostela , Spain | | Color Sources, Pomerons and Color Glass Condensate |
19-06-2007 |
10:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
S. Kipp (Braunschweig T.U.) | | Spectroscopic in-situ methods suited for the datation of ancient manufacts |
19-06-2007 |
12:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Ina Sarcevic (Arizona U.) | | Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Neutrinos |
14-06-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Nicola D'Ascenzo (Desy) | | The CALICE proposal of a hadron calorimeter for the ILC: motivations, technology |
01-06-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. Stanley J. Brodsky | | Novel Effetcts in QCD |
30-05-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Claude Duhr (Louvain) | | Beyond LO calculations and twistor methods in QCD |
29-05-2007 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Ferrario | | Corso di fisica degli Acceleratori per personale Amministrativo |
29-05-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Klaus Rith (Erlangen - Nuremberg U.) | PDF | HERMES and the spin of the nucleon selected highlights |
17-05-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
P. Grigolini (Texas U. and CNR Pisa) | | From Stochastic Resonance to Complexity Matching |
16-05-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Sibirtsev (Juelich) | | Kaon-Nucleon Interaction at Low Energies |
14-05-2007 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Ohanyan | | Face cubic spin model on Bethe lattice |
14-05-2007 |
15:30 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Krivonos | | Superfield approach to N=4 nonlinear multiplet |
09-05-2007 |
09:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. Zanotelli | | Seminario COMSOL |
08-05-2007 |
11:00 |
Aula Direzione |
M. Ferrario | | Corso di Fisica degli Acceleratori per personale Amministrativo |
07-05-2007 |
11:00 |
Aula Direzione |
M. Ferrario | | Corso di Fisica degli Acceleratori per personale Amministrativo |
04-05-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
G. Isidori | | Lezione Teorie Effettive |
23-04-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
S. Kipp (Braunschweig U.) | | Spectroscopic in-situ methods suited for the datation of ancient manufacts |
19-04-2007 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Umberto Cerruti (U. di Torino) | PDF | Itinerari nel mondo dei numeri primi |
16-04-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
André Mysyrowicz (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliqueé) | | Femtosecond filamentation |
12-04-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Antonio Codino (Perugia U. &INFN) | PDF | Sulla natura e sull'origine del ginocchio e della caviglia nello spettro dei ... |
11-04-2007 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Claudio Bisegni, Antonino Passarelli, Massimo Pistoni | | accesso alla rete (TRIP), Gestione dei Visitatori e delle Conferenze |
04-04-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Antonio Giulietti (CNR-Pisa) | | Risultati dell'esperimento ILIL/SLIC sull'accelerazione laser di elettroni |
03-04-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Walter Maggi (U. Milano Bicocca) | | Pleistocene records from polar ice cores: the atmospheric perspective |
03-04-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
V. Maggi (U. Milano Bicocca) | | Pleistocene records from polar ice cores: the atmospheric perspective |
03-04-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
V. Maggi (U. Bicocca - Milano) | PDF | Pleistocene records from polar ice cores: the atmospheric perspective |
02-04-2007 |
12:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
D. Aristizabal | | Radiatively induced Majorana neutrino masses |
30-03-2007 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
30-03-2007 |
11:00 |
Aula Direzione |
André Mysyrowicz (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliqueé, Ecole Polytec | | Femtosecond filamentation |
28-03-2007 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
J. Hosek | | Dynamical Breakdown of Abelian Gauge Chiral Symmetry by Strong Yukawa Couplings |
28-03-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Alberto Annovi (LNF) | PDF | Multi-technology Supercomputers for fast, offline-quality, real-time selections of rare events hidden by severe background con |
27-03-2007 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
J. Hosek | | Seminario |
27-03-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Rafael Escribano | PDF | On the gluon content of eta and eta_prime |
14-03-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Hideyuki Tatsuno - Tokyo Univ. | | Precision spectroscopy of kaonic helium X-rays (KEK-PS E570) |
14-03-2007 |
16:30 |
Auletta Leale |
Shinji Okada (RIKEN) | | Precision spectroscopy of kaonic helium-3 3d->2p x-rays at J-PARC |
08-03-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Katzir (Tel Aviv U.) | | Infrared transmitting AgClBr fibers and their applications |
06-03-2007 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Massimo Pistoni | | Nuovi metodi di accesso alla rete (progetto TRIP) |
05-03-2007 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. Hans-Juergen Pirner | | Energy loss of a fast parton in the Quark Gluon Plasma |
22-02-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
W. Greiner (Frankfurt Ins. for Advanced Studies, J W Goethe-Un.) | | Superheavy Elements and Beyond |
14-02-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Yu. M. Bystritsky , JINR - Dubna | | The structure function method applied to polarized and unpolarized electron-proton scattering: a solution of..... |
01-02-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
J-H Park (Munich, MPI) | | Some ideas in string theory : Application to Cosmology |
23-01-2007 |
10:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Wenbing Yun (Xradia Inc. - USA) | | X-ray Imaging with Nanometer Scale Resolution: Status and Pathways |
17-01-2007 |
09:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
fernando pacciani, glauco deleo | | incontro con i responsabili amministrativi su bilancio previsione 2007 e finanziaria 2007 |
17-01-2007 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Bruno El-Bennich | | Seminario Teorico: 3-body decays of B mesons & CPV |
17-01-2007 |
16:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Bruno El-Bennich | | Seminario Teorico: 3-body decays of B mesons & CPV |
16-01-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
U. Schade (Bessy - Berlin) | | THz Spectroscopy with Coherent Synchrotron Radiation |
11-01-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. Giommi (ASI) | | Swift: risultati scientifici dei primi due anni in orbita |
07-01-2007 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Colangelo | | Seminario Spring Institute |
20-12-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Olivier Leitner (LNF) | | Heavy Flavour Physics within the Standard Model |
19-12-2006 |
10:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Wenbing Yun | | X-ray Imaging with Nanometer Scale Resolution: Status and Pathways |
15-12-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
L. Passalacqua (Rome - U. La Sapienza) | | Introduction to financial modelling |
14-12-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
E. Gabrielli (Helsinki Inst. of Physics) | PDF | Photon splitting in magnetic field as a probe of ultralight axion/scalar fields |
13-12-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Pérez Gramatges (Habana - Cuba) | | Characterisation of nanostructured polyelectrolyte-surfactant thin films |
06-12-2006 |
14:30 |
Auletta Leale |
Yves van Haarlem | | Nuclear $P_t$ broadening |
06-12-2006 |
14:30 |
Auletta Leale |
Yves van Haarlem | | Nuclear $P_t$ broadening |
04-12-2006 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
I. Ciufolini/F. Graziani | | Fisica LARES ed attivita' Scuola Ing. Aerospaziale Roma I |
01-12-2006 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
d | | b |
30-11-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
O. W. Greenberg (Maryland U.) | | A schematic model of generations of quarks and leptons. |
23-11-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Claude Duhr | | recursive relations for QCD amplitudes |
16-11-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Kravchenko (Budker INP) | | Precise Measurement of Tau Lepton Mass at Novosibirsk |
16-11-2006 |
16:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Somogyi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences | | Towards QCD cross sections at NNLO |
14-11-2006 |
08:00 |
Auletta Puls |
serafini | | seminario |
14-11-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Direzione |
D. Moncton (MIT) | | High-Brilliance Compact X-ray Sources: Micron Source Size and Pico-Second Pulses |
13-11-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Direzione |
A. Nersessian | | Atomic-physics view on Dirac monopole |
13-11-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
A. Nersessian, Yerven State Univ. | | Atomic-physics view on Dirac monopole |
09-11-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
S. Carnazza (Messina U.) | | New perspectives in cell adhesion technology |
08-11-2006 |
10:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Massimo Pistoni | | Nuovi metodi d'accesso alla rete wireless (TRIP-INFN) |
07-11-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Bugra Borasoy, Bonn University | | Low-energy anti-kaon nucleon interactions |
02-11-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Riboulet (Amplitude Technologies) | | Performance overview and laboratory requirements |
01-11-2006 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
d | | b |
23-10-2006 |
10:30 |
Aula corsi master1 |
Consip | | seminario mercato elettronico |
23-10-2006 |
10:30 |
Aula corsi master2 |
Consip | | seminario mercato elettronico |
19-10-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Fedotovich (BINP) | | CMD-3 Detector for experiments on VEPP-2000 |
19-10-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Fedotovich | | Seminar G. Fedotovich (BINP -Novosibirsk) CMD-3 Detector for experiments on VEPP-2000 |
19-10-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
P. Wang (IHEP - Beijing) | | Universal phase between strong and EM interactions |
11-10-2006 |
10:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
alberto | | seminario |
11-10-2006 |
10:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
sindacati | | seminario |
11-10-2006 |
10:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
sindacati | | seminario |
04-10-2006 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Kim Splittorff (Niels Bohr Copenhagen) | | Seminario Teorico |
28-09-2006 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Eidelman (BINP -Novosibirsk) | | Gamma-gamma physics at Belle |
28-09-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Paoloni (INFN - LNF) | PDF | The start-up of the OPERA experiment |
27-09-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Eidelman (Novosibirsk) | | |
26-09-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Prof. D. G. Currie (Univ. of Maryland) | | Experimental tests of General Relativity with Lunar Laser Ranging |
01-09-2006 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
d | | b |
21-07-2006 |
11:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
A. Afanasev | | Seminario teorico |
21-07-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
A. Afanasev, Jefferson Lab | | Theory Seminar |
20-07-2006 |
11:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Dr. Simonetta Liuti (Virginia University) | | Generalised Parton Distributions |
13-07-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Chanowitz (LBL - Berkeley) | | Precision Electroweak Data and the Higgs Boson Mass |
12-07-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Cirigliano | | CP violation & Leptogenesis in models with Minimal Lepton Flavor Violation |
10-07-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Roulet | | Topics in high energy cosmic rays and first Auger results |
07-07-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Y. Nir | | What is special about the neutrino flavor? |
06-07-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Mark Wise | | Spring Institute: Modifications of the Properties of the Higgs Boson |
05-07-2006 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
TBA | | Spring Institute |
05-07-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
Chunxu Yu (LPSC - Grenoble) | | Properties of reconstructed Calo objects as a function of luminosity at D0 |
04-07-2006 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Yosef Nir | | Spring Institute: What is special about the neutrino flavor? |
04-07-2006 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
S. Hasnain | | seminario hasnain |
04-07-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
M. Wise | | M. Wise: "Modifications of the Properties of the Higgs Boson" |
29-06-2006 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Loevestam | | The Van der Graaf facility of the EC-JRC-IRMM: a tool for research and development in neutron dosimetry |
15-06-2006 |
12:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
P.Q. Hung | | Spring Institute: Implications of a model of dark energy and dark matter |
15-06-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Roncadelli (INFN - Pavia) | | Bosoni pseudoscalari leggeri, PVLAS e doppio pulsar J0737 - 3039 |
15-06-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
P.Q. Hung | | Spring Institute: Implications of a model of dark energy and dark matter |
08-06-2006 |
11:00 |
Aula Direzione |
M. Ferrario | | Corso di Fisica degli Acceleratori per personale Tecnico ed Amministrativo |
08-06-2006 |
11:00 |
Aula Direzione |
M. Ferrario | | Corso fisica degli acceleratori per personale tecnico ed amministrativo |
08-06-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Benjamin Grinstein | | Spring Institute: Falsifyability of string theory throug WW scattering |
06-06-2006 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Ferrario | | Corso fisica degli acceleratori per personale tecnico ed amministrativo |
05-06-2006 |
09:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
01-06-2006 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Massimo Ferrario | | Corso di Fisica degli Acceleratori per personale INFN Tecnico ed Amministrativo |
01-06-2006 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
d | | b |
01-06-2006 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
d | | b |
30-05-2006 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Massimo Ferrario | | Corso di Fisica degli Acceleratori per personale INFN Tecnico ed Amministrativo |
19-05-2006 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Riti Sarangi | | seminario Sarangi |
12-05-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
V. Branchina (IReS, Strasbourg) | | Effective potential (in)stability and lower bounds on the Higgs mass. |
11-05-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. Alberto Accardi, Columbia University | | The perfectly liquid Quark-Gluon Plasma |
09-05-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
Klaus Schilling (Wuppertal) | | String Breaking in Lattice QCD |
05-05-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Thomas Hambye | | Leptogenesis models and neutrino mass constraints |
01-05-2006 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
d | | b |
28-04-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
P. Schillebeeckx (IRMM - Belgio) | | Neutron cross section measurements at GELINA for nuclear applications |
20-04-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
U. Gastaldi (INFN-Legnaro) | | PVLAS, an experiment to probe vacuum with polarized light: results and prospects |
19-04-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Punzi (Università di Pisa) | PDF | B physics and Bs mixing results at the Tevatron |
11-04-2006 |
09:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
pacciani, ronconi e dolores federici | | seminario su questioni amministrative |
11-04-2006 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Anastassios (Tassos) Vladikas (INFN TorVergata) | | A precise determination of B(k) |
11-04-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
Anastassios (Tassos) Vladikas (INFN RomaII) | | A Precise Determination of B(K) |
06-04-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
F. Romanelli (ENEA) | PDF | Prospettive per la fusione nucleare. Progetto ITER |
03-04-2006 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. A. Soldatov (Rostov Univ.) | | Local structure of nanomaterials: X-ray absorption analysis |
30-03-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Oset (Valencia U.) | | Chiral dynamics of Kbar- nucleus interaction: critical review |
23-03-2006 |
11:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
N. Kardashev (ASC-LPI, Moscow) | | The activity of the Astro Space Center (ASC) of the P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute |
23-03-2006 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
S. Dell'Agnello, LNF | | Summary and Highlights of FPS-06 (Fundament. Phys. in Space with small payloads) |
23-03-2006 |
15:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Mourou, Ecole Polytechnique | | Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) |
16-03-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Zakosarenko (Jena) | | SQUID readout of a superconducting bolometer array for APEX |
15-03-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
Claudio Pica (SNS) | | The chiral transition in Nf=2 QCD |
10-03-2006 |
09:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
beretta | | Seminario ANN |
08-03-2006 |
09:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
beretta | | Seminario ANN |
08-03-2006 |
09:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
dr. altomano con specialista cardiologo e dietologo | | CPO - incontro con specialisti per informazioni sulle cardiopatie |
08-03-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
Carlos Salgado (Roma I) | | Probing dense QCD matter with hard probes |
07-03-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
V. Malka (Ecole Polytechnique) | PDF | Laser-plasma accelerator : status and perspectives |
07-03-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Sourendu Gupta (TIFR, Mumbai) | | On the critical endpoint of QCD |
27-02-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Alessio Marrani | | Attractor Mechanism |
15-02-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Dr. Gustavo Conesa Blbastre | | Photon and High processes identification with the PHOS detector for the ALICE Experiment |
15-02-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Gustavo Conesa Balbastre | | Photon and High processes identification with the PHOS detector for the ALICE Experiment |
01-02-2006 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
d | | b |
01-02-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz (Humboldt U. Berlin) | | Effective Abelian Higgs Models for Gluodynamics and High Tc Superconductors |
26-01-2006 |
12:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Igor Ivanov | | Seminario Teorico |
26-01-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
S. Ferrara | | Einstein Legacy and the Annus Mirabilis |
25-01-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
Michael Creutz | | "Spontaneous CP violation in the strong interactions and
quark mass ambiguities." |
23-01-2006 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
Michael Creutz (BNL) | | Spontaneous CP violation in the strong interactions and |
20-01-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
T. Walcher (Mainz) | | The Form Factors of the Nucleon at Small Momentum Transfer |
12-01-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Ferrari (CNAO and LNF) | | The CNAO hadrontherapy facility: radioprotection issues |
09-01-2006 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
A. Pellegrino (Nikhef) | | Tracking with straw tubes in the LHCb experiment |
01-01-2006 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
b | | b |
21-12-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
guiseppe di sciascio | | progetto EEE |
16-12-2005 |
09:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
giuseppe di sciascio | | progetto EEE |
09-12-2005 |
08:00 |
Aula corsi master2 |
IBM | | Corso su Tivoli Netview |
09-12-2005 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (Dubna) | | Introduction to harmonic superspace (IV) |
08-12-2005 |
08:00 |
Aula corsi master2 |
IBM | | Corso su Tivoli Netview |
07-12-2005 |
08:00 |
Aula corsi master2 |
IBM | | Corso su Tivoli Netview |
06-12-2005 |
08:00 |
Aula corsi master2 |
IBM | | Corso su Tivoli Netview |
05-12-2005 |
08:00 |
Aula corsi master2 |
IBM | | Corso su Tivoli Netview |
05-12-2005 |
14:30 |
Auletta B-1 |
L. Calabri (Univ. Firenze) | | Curved nanowires |
02-12-2005 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (Dubna) | | Introduction to harmonic superspace (III) |
25-11-2005 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (Dubna) | | Introduction to harmonic superspace (II) |
24-11-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Bettini (Padova U.) | PDF | Cold dark matter searches |
23-11-2005 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (Dubna) | | Introduction to harmonic superspace (I) |
23-11-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
David Temes | | Seminario Teorico |
15-11-2005 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Prof. Franz Gross | | Relativistic description of few-body systems |
12-11-2005 |
16:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. Ivan Karbovnyk (Lviv Univ.) | | Photoluminescence of nanotubes |
12-11-2005 |
17:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. Natalya Krutyak (Lviv Univ.) | | Optical characterization of nanotubes |
03-11-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
C. Pellegrini (UCLA) | PDF | The development of X-ray free-electron lasers |
27-10-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
F. Gatti (Genova U. and INFN) | PDF | Direct searches of neutrino mass with calorimetric beta spectroscopy of Re-187 |
25-10-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
M. Inguscio (Firenze U.) | | Sensitive measurement of forces at the micron scale using atomic quantum gases |
21-10-2005 |
11:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
M.S. Bhuvaneswari, BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, India | | Ionic conduction and Li electrode materials LiMVO4 (M=Ni/Co) – An overview |
21-10-2005 |
12:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
M.S. Bhuvaneswari, BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, India | | Ionic conduction and Li electrode materials LiMVO4 (M=Ni/Co) – An overview |
20-10-2005 |
10:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Yu.F.Zhukovskii, Institute of Solid State Physics,Riga, Latvia | | On the mechanism of the interaction between oxygen and close-packed single-crystal aluminium surfaces |
20-10-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
M. Yamauchi (KeK) | PDF | Super KekB project |
03-10-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Chergui (Lausanne-EPFL) | | Ultrafast structural dynamics in chemical and biological systems |
28-09-2005 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
R. Balbinot (Bologna U. e INFN Bologna) | | Buchi neri acustici |
08-09-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. D. Lanskoy, Moscow State University | | Advanced Topics in Hypernuclear Physics |
07-09-2005 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. D.Lanskoy, Moscow University | | "Advanced topics in Hypernuclear Physics" |
01-09-2005 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
J.J. Rehr | | Ab Initio Calculations of Optical Constants from UV to X-rays |
14-07-2005 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
C. Smith | | Seminario Spring Institute |
14-07-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
L. Maiani | | Seminario Spring Insitute |
13-07-2005 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
M. Pennington | | Seminario Spring Institute |
13-07-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Pancheri | | Seminario Spring Institute |
12-07-2005 |
11:30 |
Auletta Leale |
S. Liuti | PDF | seminario |
12-07-2005 |
11:30 |
Auletta Leale |
Simonetta liuti, Università della Virginia | | Generalized Parton Distributions in Nuclei |
12-07-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Cirigliano | | Seminario Spring Institute |
11-07-2005 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
I. Bigi | | Seminario Spring Institute |
11-07-2005 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
I. Bigi | | Seminario Spring Institute |
08-07-2005 |
09:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Roberto Bedogni | | corso di formazione in radioprotezione |
08-07-2005 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
P.Q. Hung | | Seminario Spring Institute |
07-07-2005 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. S. Ferrara | | Theoretical seminar |
07-07-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
P.Q. Hung | | Seminario Spring Institute |
07-07-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Colangelo | | Seminario Spring Institute |
07-07-2005 |
16:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. S. Ferrara (CERN&INFN-LNF) | | M-theory:twists,fluxes and E7 symmetry |
05-07-2005 |
10:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Dr. Vincenzo Piramide (Physik Instrumente, Milano | | Presentazione microposizionatori e nanoposizionatori |
04-07-2005 |
10:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Dr. Vincenzo Piramide (Physik Instrumente, Milano) | | Presentazione microposizionatori e nanoposizionatori |
30-06-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
R. Fazio | | Entanglement in Quantum Information |
20-06-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
E. Stephenson (Indiana U.) | PDF | Searching for an Electric Dipole Moment using a Storage Ring |
20-06-2005 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
K. Kumar | | Parity-Violating Electron Scattering: Past, Present and Future |
10-06-2005 |
16:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Sergio Pereira, Universita' di San Paolo, Brasile | | Monte Carlo Simulation for the background of the $\gamma d \rightarrow \Theta^+ |
09-06-2005 |
14:30 |
Aula Direzione |
Dr. G. Amelino-Camelia, Univ. Roma La Sapienza | | Seminario informale su doubly special relativity (DSR) |
01-06-2005 |
18:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Caroline Riedl | | Model-independent unfolding of inclusive cross-section asymmetries |
31-05-2005 |
16:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Amaya O. Casanova Diaz | | Montecarlo simulation of nuclear effects in semi-inclusive DIS |
30-05-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
K. Janssens (Antwerp- Belgium) | | Use of X-Rays for Characterization of Archaeological, Archival and Artists mate |
26-05-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
25-05-2005 |
16:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
J. Comfort (Arizona U.) | PDF | Results from the crystal ball experiment |
24-05-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
19-05-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
A. Takahashi (Osaka U.) | | Basic Study on Cold Trasmutation of Isotopes and Theoretical Interpretation |
18-05-2005 |
15:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
L. Rossi (CERN) | PDF | The LHC project: machine status and commissioning perspectives |
17-05-2005 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. V. Biryukov (IHEP-Protvino) | | Channeling experiments at the Frascati BTF |
11-05-2005 |
10:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Fornasini | | seminario Prof Fornasini |
09-05-2005 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
A.S.B. Tariq | | Seminario teorico |
06-05-2005 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. I. Shapiro (Univ. Juiz de Fora, Brasil) | | Effective Approach to Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-Time |
04-05-2005 |
09:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
29-04-2005 |
08:00 |
Auletta T-75 |
pace | | stage invernale |
29-04-2005 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
P. Emma, C. Vaccarezza | | seminari Xfel |
29-04-2005 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Dell'Agnello | PDF | Launch of space mission ENEIDE |
27-04-2005 |
09:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Laura Calafà | | Ci piace lavorare : Per un codice del benessere al lavoro |
26-04-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dell'Agnello | | Launch of Space Mission ENEIDE |
21-04-2005 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Prof. A. Popov (ILL Grenoble) | | Point defects in oxides |
20-04-2005 |
08:00 |
Auletta T-75 |
pace | | stage invernale |
13-04-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
U. Majewska (Kielce. Poland) | | Interdisciplinary applications of X-ray fluorescence methods |
11-04-2005 |
08:00 |
Auletta T-75 |
pace | | stage invernale |
08-04-2005 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Seyong Kim | | Three state Potts model and finite temperature QCD with chemical potential |
07-04-2005 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Seyong Kim | | Three state Potts model and finite temperature QCD with chemical potential |
07-04-2005 |
17:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Antonio Riotto | PDF | Primordial inflation explains why the universe is accelerating today: was . . . |
01-04-2005 |
08:00 |
Auletta T-75 |
pace | | stage invernale |
01-04-2005 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
24-03-2005 |
08:00 |
Auletta T-75 |
pace | | stage invernale |
24-03-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Patrizia Rossi (LNF) | PDF | Pentaquark: fact or fancy |
23-03-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Ceccucci | PDF | Rare Kaon Decays: Opportunities at CERN |
18-03-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Y. Srivastava | | Double Helix for Light |
16-03-2005 |
15:30 |
Aula Seminari |
R. Felici | | seminario su diffrazione da superfici reali |
15-03-2005 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. M. Naddaf (Syrian Atomic Energy) | | Porous GaAs |
14-03-2005 |
08:00 |
Auletta T-75 |
pace | | stage invernale |
04-03-2005 |
12:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
V. Del Duca | | QCD at LHC |
02-03-2005 |
08:00 |
Auletta T-75 |
pace | | stage invernale |
01-03-2005 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
28-02-2005 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
23-02-2005 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Patronato INCA-CGIL | | assemblea con Patronato INCA-CGIL |
21-02-2005 |
08:00 |
Auletta T-75 |
pace | | stage invernale |
17-02-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
V. Del Duca (Torino) | | QCD at LHC |
14-02-2005 |
09:00 |
Auletta T-75 |
pace | | stage invernale |
09-02-2005 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
04-02-2005 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Sergio Anefalos Pereira | | The utilization of Crip code in Hybrid Reactor Studies |
03-02-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Ghigo (LNF) | | CLIC Test Facility |
31-01-2005 |
11:00 |
Aula Direzione |
Edoardo Milotti | | Fisica dell'esperimento VIP |
31-01-2005 |
11:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Edoardo Milotti | | Fisica dell'esperimento VIP |
28-01-2005 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. R. Poghossian (Yerevan Phys. Inst.) | | Instanton calculations in N=2 super Yang-Mills |
27-01-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
H. Satz (U. Bielefeld, Germany and Instituto Superior Tecnico, L | | Deconfinement in QCD and in Nuclear Collisions |
26-01-2005 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Igor Ivanov | | Seminario Teorico |
26-01-2005 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
26-01-2005 |
16:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
V. Biryukov (IHEP Protvino) | | Channeling in nanotubes |
25-01-2005 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Michael Creutz (BNL) | | "Spontaneous CP violation in the strong interactions and
quark mass ambiguities."
25-01-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Prof. E. Kotomin (Max Planck, Stuttgart) | | "Ab initio calculations of ABO3 perovskite surfaces" |
25-01-2005 |
16:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Violini (U. Calabria) | | KN physics at intermediate, low and unphysical energies |
24-01-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Pyungwon Ko (KAIST - Corea) | | Bd-->phi Ks CP asymmetries and related issues within SUSY models |
23-01-2005 |
15:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
M. Creutz | | Spontaneous CP violation in the strong interactions and quark mass ambiguities |
20-01-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
L. Maiani (U. Roma) | PDF | Scalar mesons, new narrow states with charm, and exotic charmonium states: the b |
19-01-2005 |
10:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
A. Mottana Univ. Roma Tre | | Principi di Ottica Mineralogica e Applicazioni (II parte) |
14-01-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
E. Widmann | | Flair experiment |
12-01-2005 |
10:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
A. Mottana Univ. Roma Tre | | Principi di Ottica Mineralogica e Applicazioni |
12-01-2005 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Antonello Polosa (CERN) | | Soppressione di J/psi in collisioni di ioni pesanti come segnale della
formazione di Plasma di Quark e Gluoni |
01-01-2005 |
14:30 |
Auletta B-1 |
L. Calabri (Univ. Firenze) | | Curved nanowires |
21-12-2004 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
PY Casteill (U. Paris VI) | | SL(2) spin chains from super Yang-Mills |
20-12-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
C. Sochichiu (JINR Dubna) | | Matrix models |
17-12-2004 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
C. Sochichiu (Dubna) | | Spin bits |
17-12-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
C. A. Costa (INPE, Brasile) | | The Brasilian Gravitational Wave Detector: a status report |
17-12-2004 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
17-12-2004 |
16:30 |
Aula Seminari |
C.A. Costa (INPE) | | seminario C.A. Costa (rinviato di 1 ora) |
17-12-2004 |
17:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
PY Casteill (U. Paris VI) | | Superstring sigma models |
16-12-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace (IV) |
16-12-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR-Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace (VI) |
16-12-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Ferrario | PDF | A Free Electron Laser Project at Frascati |
14-12-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace (IV) |
14-12-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR-Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace (V) |
13-12-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof.R.GODBOLE - Bangalore Univ. | | THEORY SEMINAR - Prof.R.GODBOLE,Bangalore Univ. |
13-12-2004 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Prof. M. Iwasaki, RIKEN | | Measurement of Kaonic helium |
09-12-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace (IV) |
09-12-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
V.AZCOITI - Zaragoza Univ. | | THEORY SEMINAR - Prof.V.AZCOITI,Univ.Zaragoza |
02-12-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace (III) |
02-12-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
O.Ciaffoni, S.Dell'Agnello, L.Di Cesare | PDF | Mac OS X: a mature UNIX OS for HEP |
25-11-2004 |
11:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
E. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace (II) |
23-11-2004 |
10:30 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace (I) |
23-11-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace |
23-11-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace (I) |
22-11-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Longoni | | Silicon Drift Detectors for X and Gamma ray spectroscopy and imaging |
18-11-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Riotto (Padova) | | Recent Developments in Inflationary Cosmology |
09-11-2004 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
A. Olin (TRIUMF) | | Probing the Weak Interaction Spacetime Structure with Muon Decay |
22-10-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
M. Ronan (Berkeley) | | ILC Large Detector Study |
21-10-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Rykalin (Northern Illinois Univ.) | PDF | Experience with MRS (Metal Resistive Semiconductor) |
20-10-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
R. Wigmans (TTU) | PDF | Pauli and the Accelerating Universe |
19-10-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
M. Gallinaro (FNAL) | PDF | Run II Results on diffraction on CDF |
14-10-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
sabella Masina (E. Fermi Center and INFN Roma I) | | Lepton Electric Dipole Moments and New Physics |
14-10-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Isabella Masina (E. Fermi Center and INFN Roma I) | | Lepton Electric Dipole Moments and New Physics |
13-10-2004 |
14:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
S. Krivonos (JINR, Dubna) | | Supersymmetric mechanics with eight supercharges |
05-10-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Giorgi, D. MacFarlane, F. Forti | PDF | B-factories: status and outlook |
30-09-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Rajalakshmi (Bangalore) | | Torsion Balance Experiment to Study Casimir force |
29-09-2004 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Attilio Cucchieri | | Ghosts on the Lattice |
28-09-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S. White (BNL) | | Recent results on inelastic diffraction in Au-Au, d-Au and pp collisions at RHIC |
14-09-2004 |
14:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Claudio Pellegrini | | Seminario di Claudio Pellegrini (LCLS status report) |
14-09-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
C. Pellegrini (UCLA) | PDF | Status of the LCLS Project |
09-09-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. N. Lebedev (Moscow) | | Cherenkov radiation in electrodynamic structures and its applications |
09-08-2004 |
14:30 |
Auletta Leale |
M. Bragadireanu, IFIN-HH Bucharest | PDF | Interfacing CERN Program Library with National Instruments LabView |
05-08-2004 |
14:30 |
Auletta Leale |
M. Bragadireanu, IFIN-HH Bucarest | | SIDDHARTA Slow Controls and Monitoring System |
29-07-2004 |
14:30 |
Auletta Leale |
M. Bragadireanu, IFIN-HH Bucharest | | SIDDHARTA Kaon Trigger |
27-07-2004 |
14:30 |
Auletta Leale |
Andrei Ivanov | PDF | Quantum field theoretic and relativistic covariant approach to pionic and kaonic |
26-07-2004 |
11:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
H. Samtleben (Hamburg Univ.) | | Introduction to gauged supergravities III |
26-07-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
H. Samtleben (Hamburg Univ.) | | Introduction to gauged supergravities III |
23-07-2004 |
11:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
H. Samtleben (Hamburg Univ.) | | Introduction to gauged supergravities II |
23-07-2004 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
H. Samtleben (Hamburg Univ.) | | Introduction to gauged supergravities II |
23-07-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
H. Samtleben (Hamburg Univ.) | | Introduction to gauged supergravities II |
21-07-2004 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
H. Samtleben (Hamburg Univ.) | | Introduction to gauged supergravities I |
21-07-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
H. Samtleben (Hamburg Univ.) | | Introduction to gauged supergravities I |
20-07-2004 |
14:30 |
Auletta Leale |
S. Liuti (UVA) | | Impact parameter dependent distributions in exclusive processes |
20-07-2004 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Mikhail Stephanov | | QCD Critical Point |
19-07-2004 |
14:30 |
Auletta Leale |
S. Liuti (UVA) | | Impact parameter dependent distributions in exclusive processes |
15-07-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
P.Q. Hung | | Unconventional Fermions: The price of quark-lepton unification at TeV scales |
15-07-2004 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
P.Q. Hung | | Unconventional Fermions: The price of quark-lepton unification at TeV scales |
15-07-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
S. Capozziello (Salerno U. and INFN-Napoli | | Quantum Mechanics, Relativity and Time |
13-07-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
J. Byrd (Berkeley) | | Coherent synchrotron radiation in a storage ring |
08-07-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
I. Bigi (Notre Dame U.) | | The CKM Paradigm - From an Ansatz to a Tested Theory |
06-07-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. Florian Nichitiu, Dept. of Physis, Toronto U. | | Space Weather Effects and consequences. The case of MOPITT on board of a Terra |
05-07-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
F. Nichitiu | | |
01-07-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. A. Paciaroni | | Seminario |
28-06-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
C. Keppel (TJNAF) | | The MINERvA Experiment at FermiLab: An Overview (from a nuclear |
24-06-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
D. Goodstein | PDF | Incontro con l'autore: David Goodstein |
21-06-2004 |
15:30 |
Auletta Leale |
Christine Aidala | | Recent Spin Results from PHENIX |
15-06-2004 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Prof. P. Innocenzi | | Self-assembling mesostructured materials |
14-06-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
A. G. Revenko (Irkutsk) | | X-Ray Fluorescence Analyis in Russia: its present and perspective |
04-06-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Prof. Alessandro Variola (CERN) | | Shall we see the light from anti hydrogen? |
26-05-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
19-05-2004 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
14-05-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Lev Okun (ITEP) | | Tests of Pauli Exclusion Principle |
13-05-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Cantatore (INFN-Trieste) | PDF | Experimental study of the |
11-05-2004 |
10:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
J. Sanchez | | seminario Sanchez |
11-05-2004 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Prof. R. Raimondi (Univ. Roma Tre e LNF) | | Thermal conductivity of disordered metals |
04-05-2004 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. R. raimondi (Univ. Roma Tre | | Quantum computing |
29-04-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
R. W. Kowalewski | PDF | Precision determinations of |V_cb| and |V_ub| |
20-04-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Mark A. Mandelkern (Irvine U) | | Parameter and Confidence Interval Estimation in High Energy Physics |
15-04-2004 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. S. Ferrara, CERN and INFN-LNF | | Calabi-Yau orientifolds,fluxes and no-scale supergravity |
08-04-2004 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
07-04-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Altarelli | | |
07-04-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Altarelli | PDF | Neutrino Masses as a Probe of Grand Unification |
01-04-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Mirazita | PDF | Experimental evidente of an exotic S=+1 baryon |
30-03-2004 |
12:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
I. Ivanov | | Charge asymmetries in dipion production at HERA: |
29-03-2004 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Fiorenzo Bastianelli, Univ. Bologna | | The worldline formalism with background gravity |
29-03-2004 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
29-03-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Fiorenzo Bastianelli, Univ. Bologna | | The worldline formalism with background gravity |
29-03-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
23-03-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
22-03-2004 |
13:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr McKubre - Stanford Research Institute. | | Seminario ENEA "Cold Fusion a 15 year reflection" |
19-03-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Gal | | Lambda-Lambda Hypernuclei |
18-03-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Vaandering | | Limits on Lambda_c^+->pK^+pi^- and D_s^+-> K^+K^+pi^- obtained with Genetic Prog |
17-03-2004 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
17-03-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
D. Giulietti (Pisa) | | Problematiche sperimentali dell'accelerazione di elettroni in onde di plasma |
15-03-2004 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
R.WIGMANS - Texas Tech. Uni. & INFN,Frascati | | PeV Cosmic Rays - A Window on the Leptonic Era? |
11-03-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Barbiellini (U. Trieste) | PDF | GRB: a luminous candle? |
09-03-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
R. Wigmans | PDF | D R E A M – about high-resolution jet spectroscopy |
03-03-2004 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Alessio Rocchi | | Ottimizzazione del rumore elettronico per antenne gravitazionali di nuova generazione |
27-02-2004 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. Sergio Ferrara (CERN and INFN-LNF) | | Calabi-Yau orientifolds,fluxes and no-scale supergravity |
27-02-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. Michele Cini (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata) | | W= pairing in Hubbard and related models |
26-02-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Paolo Volonte` | | Le dimensioni sociali della produzione di conoscenza scientifica. Il caso KLOE |
23-02-2004 |
11:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
Prof. Michele Cini (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata) | | W= pairing in Hubbard and related models |
23-02-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Prof. Michele Cini (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata | | W=0 pairning mechanism in the Hubbard and related models |
05-02-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Baldini (INFN - Pisa) | | The MEG experiment: search for the mu+ -> e+ + gamma decay at PSI |
26-01-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. R. Poghossian (Yerevan Phys. Inst.) | | Instantons in N=2 SYM |
23-01-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
23-01-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
23-01-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
23-01-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
23-01-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
23-01-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
23-01-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
23-01-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
23-01-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
22-01-2004 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
F. Burgio | | Equation of state of Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars' structure. |
19-01-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. R. Poghossian (Yerevan Univ.) | | Instantons and orientifolds |
19-01-2004 |
15:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. R. Poghossian (Yerevan Univ.) | | Instantons and orientifolds |
14-01-2004 |
10:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
M. Cestelli Guidi | | High pressure FIR experiments in La(1-x)CaxMnO3 manganites using synchrotron radiation: pressure effects on the metal-insulator |
13-01-2004 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace V |
10-01-2004 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) | | Introduction to Harmonic Superspace IV |
09-01-2004 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
22-12-2003 |
16:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Prof. Ivanov | | Seminario N=8 superconforaml algebras |
17-12-2003 |
17:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Dr. Yeranian | | Seminario oscillator on Kaehler space with conical singularity |
16-12-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Cirigliano | | Open issues in K -> Pi Pi decays: CP violation and beyond |
16-12-2003 |
16:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
Evgeny A. Ivanov, BLTP, JINR (Dubna) | | ``Non-(anti)commutative Deformations of N=2 Superspace'' |
15-12-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
V.N. Rudenko | | Current Status of the Russian project OGRAN |
11-12-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Parisi | | L'eredita` di Plank nella meccanica statistica |
10-12-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Prof. Nikolai F. Shul'ga | | Mechanisms of scattering and radiation by electrons and positrons with energy of |
05-12-2003 |
16:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
A. Nersessian (Yerevan and Dubna) | | Quantum mechanics on Kaehler conifolds |
04-12-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. Giromini | PDF | Heavy flavor properties of jets produced at sqrt(s)=1.8 TeV |
19-11-2003 |
10:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M.A. Kumakhov | | Status of Polycapillary Optics and Perspectives |
19-11-2003 |
12:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
N. Brambilla | | Heavy Quarkonium and Effective Field Theories of QCD |
14-11-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. Tretyakova | | Neutron-rich Lambda hypernuclei: structure and production |
06-11-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
F. Bossi | PDF | Rapporto sul Workshop di Alghero (1) |
06-11-2003 |
16:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
C. Biscari | PDF | Rapporto sul Workshop di Alghero (2) |
05-11-2003 |
08:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Prof. Antonio Bergamaschi | | Seminario sulla SARS |
30-10-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Palano | PDF | Observation of New Narrow Ds states |
28-10-2003 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
23-10-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. Modestino (LNF) | PDF | Search for gravitational wave signals associated with gamma-ray bursts |
22-10-2003 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
17-10-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
A. Pashnev (JINR-Dubna) | | On the time dependent oscillator |
16-10-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Y. Sakai (KEK) | PDF | Recent BELLE results on CP violation in Bd -> Phi Ks |
13-10-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Dhurandhar | | Algebraic Structures Underlying LISA data analysis |
01-10-2003 |
09:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
pacciani | | incontro lavoro con i responsabili amministrativi |
01-10-2003 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Dr. P. FACCIOLI | | Non-perturbative contribution to the electro-magnetic structure of light hadrons |
24-09-2003 |
10:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Apple (in coll. con Bagnetti srl) | | Apple: il futuro a protata di mano |
18-09-2003 |
00:00 |
Aula Seminari |
J. Tucker (Keithley) | | Parallel session of N&N2003 |
08-09-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. Lev LIPATOV, St.Petersburg, Russia | | Seminar "BFKL and DGLAP evolution equations in the supersymmetric gauge theories" |
21-07-2003 |
11:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Sergio Ferrara (CERN) | | Supersymmetry in noncommutative superspaces |
17-07-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. Gianotti (LNF) | PDF | The PANDA experiment at GSI |
16-07-2003 |
14:00 |
Auletta Leale |
S. Liuti, Univ. of Virginia | | Perturbative QCD Interpretation of Parton-Hadron Duality |
16-07-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Min Jeong Kim | PDF | Status and prospects of the Tevatron and CDF detector in Run 2. |
15-07-2003 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
A. Nersessian (Yerevan Univ.) | | Oscillator/Coulomb system with monopole from Hamiltonian reduction |
15-07-2003 |
15:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
A. Nersessian (Yerevan Univ.) | | Stark Effect in the charge-dyon system |
10-07-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
S. Di Matteo | | Structural and magnetic symmetries as detected by x-ray |
09-07-2003 |
13:30 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Latini (LNF & Univ. Roma TRE) | | Algebre superconformi N-estese e geometrie di hyper Kaehler |
08-07-2003 |
10:00 |
Aula corsi master1 |
Massimiliano Turri | | Tutorial Java Analysis Studio (JAS) |
07-07-2003 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Massimiliano Turri | PDF | Seminario Java Analysis Studio (JAS) |
07-07-2003 |
14:00 |
Aula corsi master1 |
Massimiliano Turri | | Tutorial Java Analysis Studio (JAS) |
23-06-2003 |
11:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Prof. J. B. Rosenzweig (UCLA) | PDF | PLEIADES: the LLNL/UCLA Inverse Compton Scattering Experiment |
19-06-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
17-06-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. Peter Lavrov (Tomsk State Pedagogical University) | | Remarks on differential geometry on supermanifolds |
12-06-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
11-06-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
C. Precourt (Nasa), R. Vittori (ESA) | | Status and prospectives of the manned space program |
10-06-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Hitesh Ghai and Manoj Singh (IIT-Delhi, India) | | Optimization of Catalyst distribution in Multi Stage Sulfur Dioxide oxidation reactor using Vanadium as the catalyst |
06-06-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Studenikin | | Massive neutrino: new effects in oscillations and new mechanism for electromagne |
05-06-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
E. Solodov | PDF | Study of the low energy electron-positron cross sections and hadron spectroscopy |
05-06-2003 |
16:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
Sergio Di Matteo | | seminario di materia condensata |
04-06-2003 |
13:30 |
Aula Seminari |
K. Zarembo (Uppsala U. & Moscow, ITEP) | | Comparing strings in AdS(5)XS(5) to planar diagrams for Wilson loops |
03-06-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
K. Zarembo (Uppsala U. & Moscow, ITEP) | | Comparing strings in AdS(5)XS(5) to planar diagrams for Wilson loops |
22-05-2003 |
16:00 |
Aula Seminari |
R. Wigmans, Texas University | | Relic Neutrinos |
21-05-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Lolos | PDF | Partial Width of the eta --> pi0 gamma gamma decay with the Crystal |
21-05-2003 |
16:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Z. Papandreou | PDF | It takes glue to study the |
20-05-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. A. Iorio (CTP, MIT) | | Chern-Simons Gravitational Term from 2+1 to 1+1 Dimensions |
16-05-2003 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
15-05-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Chardin, DAPNIA CEA/Saclay | PDF | Status and perspectives of direct dark matter searches |
14-05-2003 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
N. Beisert (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.) | | BMN Operators and Superconformal Symmetry. |
12-05-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. R. Raimondi (Univ. Roma Ttre) | | Effetti di spin in dispositivi mesoscopici a bassa dimensionalita' |
09-05-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
09-05-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
08-05-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Inguscio | PDF | Bosons and Fermions at ultralow temperatures |
05-05-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Art Olin, TRIUMF | | First Data from the TWIST Experiment |
30-04-2003 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Kruchonak | | HV and gas leak test for the QA/QC of the Atlas MDT tubes |
23-04-2003 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
V. Golovatyuk | | Study, design and constuction of the digital version of the hadron calorimeter and muon system for the Tesla detector |
17-04-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Paturel (Lyon Observatory) | | Gravitational Wawe (GW) signature from anisotropy of source distribution |
16-04-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Ing. Gualtiero Regini e Ing. Massimo di Francesco (Hitesys S.p | | Aspetti scientifici, tecnici e interdisciplinari di ricerche in fisica degli acceleratori e biomedicina |
15-04-2003 |
10:30 |
Aula Seminari |
N. Beisert (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.) | | BMN Operators and Superconformal Symmetry. |
15-04-2003 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Ferrara (CERN and INFN-LNF) | | Compactifications in presence of fluxes:supersymmetry breaking and supergravity analysis |
15-04-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. S. Ferrara (CERN and INFN-LNF) | | seminar on String Theory |
14-04-2003 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
04-04-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. R. Herino (Univ. Fourier, Grenoble) | | Photo-Induced Nano-electrochemistry using Near-Field Optical Microscopy |
03-04-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
S. Serednyakov | PDF | Prospects of Experimental Study of the Neutron-Antineutron |
02-04-2003 |
15:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. S.V. Bhoraskar (Univ. Pune, India) | | Development of Nanomaterials |
31-03-2003 |
11:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Prof. N. Mirfakhraee Univ. Shahid Beheshti - Teheran | | Seminario Low Mass Drift Chambers |
27-03-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
R. Barbieri | PDF | Electroweek symmetry breaking: where do we stand? |
27-03-2003 |
17:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Grossi (SOGIN) | | Decommissioning impianti nucleari nazionali |
25-03-2003 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
P. Horvathy (Univ. Tours) | | The origins of Noncommutative (Quantum) Mechanics. |
21-03-2003 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
B.ERMOLAEV - St.Petersburg Univ. | | THEORY SEMINAR Prof.B.ERMOLAEV - St.Petersburg Univ. |
20-03-2003 |
00:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Parisi | | L eredita` di Planck nella meccanica statistica |
20-03-2003 |
12:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
20-03-2003 |
17:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Altieri | | TAOrMINA (Trattamento avanzato organi mediante irraggiamento neutronico ed autotrapianto) dalla prima idea all'applicazione al f |
18-03-2003 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Filippo Cutillo BEA systems Italia | | Software BEA systems per stage del master IT |
18-03-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Filippo Cutillo BEA systems Italia | | Prodotti software della BEA system per stage del Master IT |
17-03-2003 |
17:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Giacomo CUTTONE (LNS) | | CATANA: L’esperienza di un anno di un anno di trattamenti clinici del primo cent |
13-03-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
E. Durante | | La Scienza meditata |
13-03-2003 |
17:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Giacomo CUTTONE INFN-LNS | | CATANA:L’esperienza di un anno di trattamenti clinici del primo centro di proto |
07-03-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. Diodati (Perugia) | | Rivelazione di particelle tramite emissione acustica nei solidi |
05-03-2003 |
00:00 |
Aula Seminari |
05-03-2003 |
00:00 |
Aula Seminari |
28-02-2003 |
00:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Prof.Yu.SIMONOV - ITEP,Moscow | | THEORY SEMINAR Prof.Yu.SIMONOV - I.T.E.P.,Moscow |
27-02-2003 |
00:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
24-02-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dott.ssa Agata Iadicicco, Min. Interno | | Il sistema integrato delle anagrafe. Corso di Master indirizzo Network security |
20-02-2003 |
00:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Testera | PDF | La produzione di atomi di antidrogeno freddo in Athena |
20-02-2003 |
00:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
18-02-2003 |
00:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
P.KRUEGER - E.S.R.F.,GRENOBLE | | Calculation of Core-Level Photoemission Spectra of Mn Films ON Ag |
10-02-2003 |
09:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
pacciani, solinas, braico | | riunione responsabili amministrativi |
07-02-2003 |
00:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
N. Ferrari (LNGS) | PDF | Il sesto Programma Quadro di Ricerca e Sviluppo della Unione Europea |
30-01-2003 |
00:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
F. Terranova | PDF | The Theta_l3 angle of the leptonic mixing matrix: exp. status and perspectives |
16-01-2003 |
00:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. Valente | PDF | The DAPHNE Beam Test Facility |
14-01-2003 |
14:30 |
Auletta A-1 |
C. Acatrinei (Univ. of Crete) | | Seminar: Operatorial methods in noncommutative field theory |
09-01-2003 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
L.Amendola | PDF | Physics and Astronomy of dark energy |
18-12-2002 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
E. Burattini | | The New Daphne-Light Laboratory |
16-12-2002 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
Francois Arleo | | Tomography of cold QCD matter: Tools and Diagnosis |
06-12-2002 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr.P.DUMAS | | SEMINAR Dr.P.DUMAS - L.U.R.E.,C.N.R.S., Paris Univ. |
06-12-2002 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
P. Dumas | | |
06-12-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Prof. McFarland | | A Departure from Prediction: Measurement of Electroweak Parameters at NuTeV |
06-12-2002 |
15:30 |
Aula Seminari |
P. Dumas | | seminario |
05-12-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
F. Morales (INFN-LNF) | | On holographic gauge/gravity correspondences |
04-12-2002 |
15:30 |
Aula Seminari |
P. Dumas | | seminario |
03-12-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Yuri Castelfranchi (SISSA) | PDF | Oltre il Modello Standard -Ieri, oggi, domani: forme, mezzi e obiettivi della co |
03-12-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. E. Ivanov (JINR Dubna) | | theory seminar by Prof. E. Ivanov (JINR Dubna) |
28-11-2002 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
F. Morales (INFN-LNF) | | seminario teorico Dr. F. Morales (INFN-LNF) |
28-11-2002 |
14:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr.A.NERSESSIAN - Yerevan Uni. | | THEORY SEMINAR Dr.A.NERSESSIAN - Yerevan Uni. & JINR,Dubna |
28-11-2002 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Paul Dumas | | seminario P. Dumas |
28-11-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
F. Murtas | PDF | Development of a gaseous detector based on Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Technol |
26-11-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Prof. S. Krivonos | | Seminar by Prof. S. Krivonos (JINR, Dubna) |
21-11-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Djordjevic (Munich Univ.) | | Theory Seminar on Adelic cosmology, p-adic strings & tachyon matter |
20-11-2002 |
09:00 |
Auletta T-75 |
L. Calzetta (Trane Italia) | | corso "manutenzione gruppi frigo Trane" |
19-11-2002 |
09:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
L. Calzetta (Trane Italia) | | corso manutenzione gruppi frigo Trane per il personale D.A. (Serv. impianti) |
19-11-2002 |
15:30 |
Aula Seminari |
C. Sochichiu (LNF) | | seminario teorico |
18-11-2002 |
15:30 |
Aula Seminari |
L. Bubacco | | seminario luigi bubacco |
15-11-2002 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
14-11-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Emery Sokatchev, Univ. Lyon | | seminario teorico Prof. Sokatchev |
13-11-2002 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
Dr.a M.P.LOMBARDO - LNF | | SEMINAR Dr.a M.P.LOMBARDO - LNF, Theory Group |
05-11-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
F. Morales (INFN-LNF) | | On holographic gauge/gravity correspondences |
04-11-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Dr. C. Balasubramanian | | Seminario materia condensata |
31-10-2002 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Pizzella | | Coincidences between the gravitational wave detectors Explorer and Nautilus |
28-10-2002 |
15:00 |
Auletta Leale |
C. Hadjidakis, INP | | Seminario: Exclusive rho0 electroproduction above the resonance region at Jlab |
23-10-2002 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Prof. Amaldi | | Seminario Prof. Amaldi (TERA) |
23-10-2002 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
17-10-2002 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
Michela Verbeni | | Radiative K_l3 decays: present theoretical status and perspectives |
17-10-2002 |
15:30 |
Aula Direzione |
Michela Verbeni | | Radiative K_13 decays: present theoretical status and perspectives |
23-01-2002 |
11:30 |
Aula Seminari |
A. P. Kachtchouk | | Status of Multi-Wire Proportionl Chambers developed for the LHCb Muon System |
19-12-2001 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
S. Moccia | | Silicon strip detector upgrade at CDF. Mechanical fabrication of the
19-12-2001 |
16:00 |
Aula Seminari |
13-12-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Matthiae | | The Auger project for the study of the very high energy cosmic rays. (Transparencies) |
10-12-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Cuniberti | | Conductance of single molecules: pure carbon devices and DNA wires |
09-11-2001 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
D. Restrepo | | Phenomenology of bilinear lepton number violation |
23-10-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
M. Turner | | Making Sense on the New Cosmology |
16-10-2001 |
14:30 |
Auletta B-1 |
V. Souvorov | | First results of an ageing test of a full scale MWPC prototype for the LHCb muon detector |
25-07-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Hesheng Chen | | Introduction to BEPC II |
24-07-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
S. Biedron | | Status of the LEUTL FEL Project |
20-07-2001 |
09:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
C. Pontoglio
L. Edera | | Charm meson lifetimes.
Study of the decay mode doubly Cabibbo suppressed D+ -->
K+pi-pi+. |
12-07-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
B. Dalla Piccola | | Frontiere della genetica |
11-07-2001 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
A. Deriglazov | | Manifestly covariant quantization of Green-Schwarz superstring: 20
years later |
05-07-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
R.A. Ricci | | Ambientalismo e Conoscenze Scientifiche: il caso dell'Elettrosmog |
28-06-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
R. Baldini-Ferroli | | PEP-N : a new e+e- collider at SLAC. (Transparencies) |
19-06-2001 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Jouri Lozovik | | Low-dimensional quantum systems |
08-06-2001 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S.D. Bass | | Gluonic effects in h and h' physics |
07-06-2001 |
11:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S.D. Bass | | Proton spin structure from DVCS |
07-06-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
C. Rubbia | | Energy for the future. (Transparencies) |
06-06-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
J. Rosenzweig | | Experimental Experience in High Brightness Beams and SASE FELs at
01-06-2001 |
22:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
S. Stone | | The BTeV Program (Transparencies) |
24-05-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
E. Bernieri | | L'esperimento GEDI e la ricerca fisica in montagna e in siti
remoti. |
22-05-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
G. Dedenko | | 1. New test of the Lorentz invariance by observations of
giant air shower maximum depths at ultra-high energies. 2. Acou |
17-05-2001 |
08:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Mangano | | Physics goals and prospects for the forthcoming generation of Hadron
Colliders. (Transparencies) |
11-05-2001 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
C. Biagini | | Zero-bias anomaly in high magnetic fields |
04-05-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
L. Cardman | | Main Activities at TJNAF. (Transparencies) |
05-04-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
R. De Sangro | | Recent Results from the Babar Experiment (Transparencies) |
22-03-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
. . E. Migneco
Fiorini | | Perspectives in experimental
non-accelerator particle physics
Underwater high energy neutrino telescopes (Transp |
15-03-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
K. Scholberg | | Recent Results from Super-Kamiokande and K2K (Transparencies) |
14-03-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. Campana | | The LHCb experiment (Transparencies) |
28-02-2001 |
12:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
G. Jackeli | | Magnetic, orbital and charge ordering in manganites |
22-02-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M.Pelliccioni | | Riservata per Seminari Generali |
21-02-2001 |
12:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
G. Jackeli | | Superfluidity of bosons on a deformable lattice |
08-02-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
D. Schlatter | | Highlights from LEP Physics (Transparencies) |
01-02-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Charlton | | Ultra-low energy Antiprotons and Antihydrogen (Transparencies) |
01-02-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Prof. M. Charlton | | Ultra-low energy Antiprotons and Antihydrogen |
29-01-2001 |
10:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. Giromini | | Study of the heavy flavor content of jets produced in association with
W bosons at the Fermilab Tevatron |
18-01-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
F. Ronga | | Rivelazione di raggi cosmici con grande rilascio di energia con il
rivelatore risonante di onde gravitazionali Nautilus |
15-01-2001 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
Huu Duc Nguyen | | Studies of surface magnetism in artificially nanostructured materials. (Transparencies) |
21-12-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Yu. Kasumov | | Superconductivity in molecular wires (Transparencies) |
18-12-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
F. Cerutti | | Search for the SM Higgs boson at LEP2 |
14-12-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula Dafne |
S.V. Ketov | | QCD from M-Theory ? (Transparencies) |
12-12-2000 |
09:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
C. Lo Surdo | | Una gloriosa ma quasi dimenticata teoria matematica e certe sue
inedite applicazioni alla fisica |
07-12-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
K. Rith | | Spin structure of the nucleon: status and
perspectives (Transparencies) |
05-12-2000 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Laliena | | Discontinuous transitions in double exchange materials |
30-11-2000 |
11:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. Strolin | | L'esperimento OPERA al Laboratorio Nazionale del Gran Sasso (Transparencies) |
27-11-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
M. Giovannini | | Extra-dimensions: a theoretical overview (Transparencies) |
16-11-2000 |
00:00 |
P. De Bernardis | | Archeologia dell'Universo con l'esperimento Boomerang (Transparencies) |
16-11-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. De Bernardis | | Archeologia dell'Universo con l'esperimento Boomerang (Transparencies) |
15-11-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
A.E. Dorokhov | | Nonlocal structure of QCD vacuum within the
instanton model |
14-11-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
A.E. Dorokhov | | Nonlocal structure of QCD vacuum within the
instanton model |
10-11-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
F. Buccella | | 1) SO(10) and neutrino oscillations; 2) Pauli
principle and photon distribution. |
09-11-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
I.I. Bigi | | The Breakdown of Microscopic Time Reversal Invariance and the Cathedral Builders Paradigm (Transparencies) |
30-10-2000 |
15:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
R. Felici | | X-ray diffraction to study surface structure and morphology |
24-10-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
E. Gabrielli | | Flavour-changing neutral currents
and CP violating processes in the SUSY extensions of the Standard Model
(Trans |
20-10-2000 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
V. Faraoni | | The Universe as a dynamical
system (Transparencies) |
18-10-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Krivonos | | Partial breaking of global
supersymmetry and N=4 born-infeld equations of motion |
12-10-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
A.A. Abrikosov | | Current state of research in high temperature superconductivity (Transparencies) |
14-07-2000 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
S.V. Ketov | | Superconformal Hypermultiplets and ALF Metrics |
13-07-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M.G. Pia | | The Geant4 Toolkit and its
applications |
06-07-2000 |
09:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
E. Fischbach | | The Search for Non-Newtonian Gravity (for pedestrian) (Transparencies) |
04-07-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
D. Miller | | Prospects for e+e- gamma-gamma and e-gamma Linear Colliders |
03-07-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Blondel | | Muon Storage Ring |
22-06-2000 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Colangelo M. Knecht S.
Pislak A. Lanaro N. Grion | | Quark Condensate Afternoon (Transparencies) |
15-06-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
L. Lyons | | Report on the CERN and FNAL
Workshops on Confidence Limits |
12-06-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
J. Hewett | | Experimental Probes of Extra Dimensions |
06-06-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
E. Solodov | | Recent results from VEPP-2M Collider |
01-06-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
M. Block | | Extending the Frontiers.
Reconciling Cosmic Ray and Accelerator p-p Cross Sections. |
30-05-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
R. Jaffe | | The Nature of the Light Scalar
Mesons |
29-05-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
A. Takahashi | | Nuclear Reaction in Solid. Recent
Progress at Osaka University |
20-05-2000 |
08:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
- | | LNF Spring School |
19-05-2000 |
08:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
- | | LNF Spring School |
18-05-2000 |
08:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
- | | LNF Spring School |
17-05-2000 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
- | | LNF Spring School |
16-05-2000 |
08:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
- | | LNF Spring School |
15-05-2000 |
08:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
- | | LNF Spring School |
12-05-2000 |
15:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
G.Amelino-Camelia | | I Primi Passi della Esplorazione
Sperimentale delle Proprieta` Quantistiche dello Spazio-Tempo |
11-05-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
P. Picozza | | Physics and Astrophysics in Space. The Experiment PAMELA and the RIM (Russian Italian Mission) Program on Satellites and Space S |
10-05-2000 |
10:00 |
Aula Seminari |
M. Ronan | | e+e- Linear Collider Physics and Detectors |
04-05-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
E. Chiavassa | | Experimental Evidente for the
Formation of a New Matter State in the Pb-Pb Interactions at Cern SPS. |
18-04-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
G. Veneziano | | Pre-Big Bang Cosmology: a longer
history of time |
17-04-2000 |
14:30 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Nussinov | | New Variants and Approaches to
the Casimir Effect |
14-04-2000 |
12:00 |
Auletta B-1 |
M. Yakimenko | | Synchrotron Radiation Science at
the Lebedev Physical Institute |
13-04-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula B.Touschek |
N. Panagia | | Supernovae at High Z Redshifts:
Observations, Rates and Cosmological Implications |
07-04-2000 |
11:00 |
Auletta A-1 |
S. Krivonos | | Superworldvolume Dynamics of
Superbranes from Nonlinear Realizations |
22-03-2000 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
K. Hubner | | The New CERN Facility Providing a
Neutrino Beam at Gran Sasso |
09-03-2000 |
14:30 |
Aula B.Touschek |
Rita Bernabei | | Searching for
signals from the Dark Universe: latest DAMA results. |
08-03-2000 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
D. Sorokin | | Superembedding Approach to the
Description of Superbranes and its Relation to the Method of Nonlinear
Realisatio |
03-03-2000 |
12:00 |
Aula Seminari |
S. Foffa | | Aspetti Cosmologici della Teoria |
11-02-1998 |
15:00 |
Aula Seminari |
00-00- 0 |
00:00 |
P. De Bernardis | | Archeologia dell'Universo con l'esperimento Boomerang (Transparencies) |