XUV beamlines characteristics The characteristics of DAFNE as synchrotron radiation source are very interesting, mainly due to its very high flux in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft x-ray region (5-1000eV). For this reason in 2006 a detailed project has been elaborated to realize two new beamlines working in this energy range. This project gets full advantage non only of the high beam current circulating in the ring (about Amperes) but also of the possibility of inserting the pre-optics very close to the source, in order to collect a significant fan of the horizontal radiation emitted by a bending magnet (BM) without the need of expensive and huge optics. In 2007, the construction of the new XUV beamlines has started, based both on the detailed plans approved by the Synchrotron Radiation Scientific Committee and on the available resources. Two new bending magnet beamlines will cover the energy range from 35 eV to 1000 eV, their optical project has been done and covers an High Energy Beamline (HEB from 60 eV to1000 eV) and a Low Energy Beamline (LEB from 35 eV to 200 eV). The UHV chamber hosting the first optical elements that will collect about 9 mrad of the light emitted horizontally and will collimate the emitted radiation into parallel beams entering an existing laboratory has been installed, aligned and is ready for the first tests with the beam. 