New versions of the reconstruction programs 511
Dear Colleagues, I have just released a new version 511 of the fidamc,
fidarc cmz files.
Main improvements in the new code are:
1) New target geometry accounting for 8 different targets made by
different materials. Coating for Lithium targets has still to be
In the new geometry some kaons cross completely the 3rd and 4th
lithium targets.
2) kaon stopping point calculated by exact GEANE tracking without
linear approximation. Several target ambiguities solved.
3) K+K- beam recontructions with two helices inserted. For the moment
the new algorithm is still not activated since some inefficiencies
have to be corrected. Old algorithm is still used.
4) mass recognition by dE/dX inserted. Guessed mass is used for
The new procedures improve sligtly the momentum resolution on mu+
and improve more consistently the overall efficiency. Below you may
find the details about code modifications.
The new versions will be available soon on the web. Since the
code and structure modification were very important, some test further
is necessary. Please report to me any comment or any detected
Best regards Aldo Zenoni
*CMZ : 1.00/00 26/02/94 17.16.31 by A.Zenoni
*CMZ : 5.11/00 17/05/2004 11.55.32 by aldo zenoni
*-- Author : aldo zenoni 17/05/2004
*::> VERSION 5.11/00 17/05/2004 11.55.32
* - New target geometry with 8 different target modules introduced:
* 'TAR1','TAR2','TAR3',...'TAR8', for the different target nuclei
* 12C, 6Li, 6Li, 7Li, 12C, 27Al, 51V, 12C. New materials and target
* medium numbers. Mods in GENECDE, UGEOIN, UGEOM, UGINTG, DEFVB, COLORS,
* - Provisionally, call to FITARG in FITSPL commented, the procedure doesn't
* work any longer due to multitarget geometry. To be corrected asap.
* - Aluminized mylar coatings of the 6Li and 7Li targets have still to be
* introduced in the geometrical design.
*CMZ : 1.00/00 20/05/94 15.54.35 by Unknown
*CMZ : 5.11/00 17/05/2004 12.00.06 by aldo zenoni
*-- Author : aldo zenoni 17/05/2004
*::> VERSION 5.11/00 17/05/2004 12.00.06
* - The procedure for kaon estrapolation to target has been largely modified
* and improved:
* (1) presence of different target volumes 'TAR1',...,'TAR8' accounted for;
* (2) First kaon extrapolation fron phi veretx to ISIM, second kaon
* extrapolation from hit in ISIM to the target with the same number
* as hit ISIM;
* (3) kaon stop point taken from GEANE tracking and not from linear
* extrapolation from ISIM, as previously done. Different abiguities in
* stop point/volume identification solved.
* - GENREC and KBSTOP largely modified, bits 3/4/5 in KMIN,KPLU contains now
* the report on kaon tracking. Mods in EUSTE3, EUSTE1, EUSTEP, FITARG,
* FIVERT, FIPIPE. New routines EUSTE4 and MFVOLU introduced, common /GELOC/
* - Mods in BACKTRK. Backtracking is performed only when kaon stop point
* is inside a target, 'TAR1',...'TAR8' volumes.
* - New procedure introduced for K-/K+ beam reconstruction with two helices
* accounting for boost. In case of failure of the new procedure the old
* procedure with only one helix is called.
* - GENREC largely modified. New routines KKBOOST, KKDIRBS, FKKBST, FBST.
* New common /RCBEAMBS/ duplicates common /RCBEAM/ with information for
* the two helices. Used by KKBOOST and KKDIRBS. Mods in NOISE.
* - Bank GRAV duplicated and linked to both KMIN e KPLU with information
* on the two different helices and enlarged with GEANE tracking to the
* stop point.
* - Calling sequence of KKREC is modified, results are now passed to GENREC
* via calling sequance parameters and no longer via common /RCBEAMS/.
* - Mods in routine KRECBST to correct little bugs.
* - Graphics routines UZPRXY, UZPRZX, UZPRZY modified accounting for the new
* two helices procedure for K-/K+ beam reconstruction.
* - NOTE: the new procedure is still not activated in the present version
* of the program. It is still under test for correcting some
* inefficiencies. The old procedure with only one helix is used.
* - Mass recognition procedure introduced basing on dE/dX in OSIM.
* New routines PREFITL and MASREC. TRKFIT rewritten. Mods to LONGTRK,
* - New routine ERRLTRK introduced to account for measurement errors on
* different detectors in track fitting with MC events. Called by LONGTRK.
Prof. Aldo Zenoni tel. +39 030 3715729
Dipartimento di Meccanica 3715798
Facolta' di Ingegneria fax. +39 030 3702448
Universita' di Brescia e-mail: zenoni@bs.infn.it
Via Valotti, 9