Responsibles of calibrations of different FINUDA detectors
Dear Friends, as agreed in the last FINUDA software meeting,
the groups have nominated persons who are officially responsible
from now on of the calibration of the different FINUDA detectors.
Any questions or problems concerning the performances and calibration
of the detectors have to be addressed to the indicated colleague.
- Tofino: Diego Faso (Turin)
- ISIM/OSIM: Stefano Piano (Trieste)
- Drift chambers : Elena Botta (Turin)
- Straw Tubes: Paola Gianotti (LNF)
- Tofone: Ambrogio Pantaleo (Bari)
- Data Base: Valerio Filippini (Pavia)
Best regards Aldo Zenoni
Prof. Aldo Zenoni tel. +39 030 3715729
Dipartimento di Meccanica 3715798
Facolta' di Ingegneria fax. +39 030 3702448
Universita' di Brescia e-mail: zenoni@bs.infn.it
Via Valotti, 9