DAFNE news
Dear Colleagues,
In the following the update of the past few days.
The DAFNE activity, consisting of:
1) tuning and optimization of the two beams (during day);
2) conditioning the rings by high current circulation during night,
was abruptly broken by the electric-power black-out that affected Italy
last Sanday night. The internal electric power supply mantained however
active the vital parts of the machine, as the vacuum pumps, and, for
FINUDA, our control and monitor PCs.
In was so relatively fast to restart DAFNE from when electric power was
again feeded to the LNF: Sunday at about 2:30 p.m. electric power back to
LNF - Tuesd. evening at about 9 p.m. beams circulating. The main reason of
delay was the time needed to cool down the two compensating solenoids
(FINUDA was cold already Tuesday morning).
The machine team has hence restared the working plan as previously, and we
are waiting when they have satisfactorly tuned the beams and conditioned
the rings and be able to produce collisions. This time is, however, as
before, not yet given by them, but should be matter of days, not weeks.
FINUDA, mainly the Trieste and Bari groups, is continuing to monitor
around the clock, the leakage currents of Si microstrips genetated by the
circulating beams. The actual optics seems now safe from this point of
view, with occasional problems during electron injection and when beams
are abruptly lost. Since this monitor activity can be done also at home,
any one whishing to contribute and having the means to do that (a PC and a
modem), should contact Stefano Piano to coordinate his/her participation.