Advanced Laser Retroreflectors for Astrophysics and Space Science
Perturbation of the metric around a spherical body from a nonminimal coupling between matter and curvature
A lunar laser ranging retroreflector array for the 21st century
Solar System constraints to nonminimally coupled gravity
MoonLIGHT: a USA-Italy lunar laser ranging retroreflector array for the 21st century
Probing General Relativity and New Physics with Lunar Laser Ranging
Constraining spacetime torsion with LAGEOS
Constraining spacetime torsion with the Moon and Mercury
Probing Gravitational Physics with Lunar Laser Ranging
Creation of the New Industry-Standard Space Test of Laser Retroreflectors for the GNSS and LAGEOS
Fundamental Physics and Absolute Positioning Metrology with the MAGIA Lunar Orbiter
Probing gravity in NEO with high accuracy laser-ranged test masses
Completion of ETRUSCO -2, thermal test results and thermal optical simulation of the standard GNSS Retroreflector array (GRA)
Optical FFDP and interferometrymeasurement and modeling of GNSS retroreflector payloads at SCF_Lab
ETRUSCO-2: an ASI-INFN project of technological development and "SCF-Test" of GNSS laser retroreflector arrays
Thermal-Optical design and simulation of the ETRUSCO2 GNSS Retroreflector Array (GRA)
Design construction and SCF-Test of a prototype Galileo & GNSS Retroreflector Array of Hollow retroreflectors (GRA-H)
SCF_Lab the Satellite/Lunar/GNSS laser ranging and altimetry Characterization Facilities LABoratory
SCF-Test of Galileo-IOV retroreflectors
SCF-Test of infrared laser ranging and altimetry to retroreflectors on moons and planets
SCF-Test of a Galileo-IOV retroreflector and thermal-optical simulation of a novel GNSS retroreflector array on a critical orbit
ETRUSCO-2 An ASI-INFN project of technological development and SCF-Test of GNSS laser retroreflector arrays
MoonLIGHT a new lunar laser ranging retroreflector and the lunar geodetic precession
MoonLIGHT: a new lunar laser ranging retroreflector instrument
Constraining spacetime torsion with the Moon, Mercury and LAGEOS
MoonLIGHT: a lunar laser ranging retroreflector array for the 21st century
SCF-Test of a Galileo-IOV retroreflector and thermal-optical simulation of a novel GNSS retroreflector array on a critical orbit
Galileo the european GNSS program & LAGEOS
ETRUSCO-2 an ASI-INFN project of technological development and SCF-Test of GNSS retroreflector arrays
World first SCF-Test of the NASA-GSFC LAGEOS sector and hollow retroreflector
ETRUSCO-2 an ASI-INFN project of development and SCF-Test of GNSS retroreflector arrays (GRA) for Galileo and GPS-3
Isothermal FFDP-Test and SCF-Test of flight-quality uncoated cube corner laser retroreflectors
Structural analysis and preliminary space characterization of a prototype hollow laser retroreflector
Next generation lunar laser ranging and its GNSS applications
LLRRA21/MoonLIGHT: a 2nd generation lunar laser ranging array for precision gravity tests and lunar science measurements
A lunar laser ranging retroreflector array for the 21st century
MoonLIGHT a 2nd generation lunar laser ranging payload for precision gravity and geodesy measurements and for the ILN
Probing gravity in the Earth-Moon system with ETRUSCO MoonLIGHT and LAGEOS
Creation of the new industry-standard space test of laser retroreflectors forGNSS fundamental physics and space geodesy the SCF-Test
A lunar laser ranging array for NASA’s manned landings the International Lunar Network and the proposed ASI lunar mission MAGIA
Fundamental physics with the ASI lunar mission MAGIA (phase a study)
Probing gravity with satellite and lunar laser ranging in the solar system
A lunar laser ranging retroreflector array for the 21st century
The INFN-LNF Space Climatic Facility
The design of LARES a satellite for testing general relativity
The LNF Space Climatic Facility
The INFN-LNF Space Climatic Facility for the LARES mission and ETRUSCO project
M. Martini