On line monitoring
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Basic steps

  • Connect  on  clon00
    Username: clasrun
    Password: ******
  • Redirect the display output on your terminal  (see label on the monitor you are using (i.e. infnxt3:0.0))     clon00> setenv DISPLAY  hostname:0.0
  • Go to the monitor directory
    clon00> cd monitor
  • Run paw
    clon00> paw
  • Type the following command:
    CLASPAW> global_sect mon
  • Run paw macro showing on-line monitoring histograms
    CLASPAW> clas MON
    Enter option # 6 (LAC Histograms)
  • Choose to dispaly one or more histograms following the menu
  • When finished, close paw session (quit) and logout from clon00

On line monitoring on files

You can also run on-line monitoring on acquired files:

  • Run paw as shown before
  • On paw prompt type:
    CLASPAW> clas /hist/monitor/mon0#.hbook
    Where # is the run number hbook file (i.e. mon08054.hbook to monitor run 8054)
    (In this case it is not necessary to switch global section)
  • Chose to display one or more histos following menu instructions
  • When finished, exit paw.


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