Basic steps
- Start CODA using If it is already running use ABORT.
- When the CONFIGURE stage is reached choose the LAC_CALIB from the available options.
- Before hitting GO you must give the command s_trigbit_lac
(from any xterm window on the ClOn systems running the Daq)
- Choose the lac_thresh_30.GMS (or
lac_thresh_50.GMS) for the
threshold setting using the diman program
- Hit GO to start the run.
- Run for 5~10 minutes.
- Stop the run
Now you have a GMS file in /raid/stage_in/ named Lac_Calib_#.A00
(# is the run number).
- At this point follow this procedure to analyze the file:
- Log on a Clon machine from which you can access the /raid partition;
Password: *******
- Go to the aiace/pulsers/ec12sparhbook directory
clon10> cd aiace/pulsers/ec12sparhbook
- Give the following command:
- ec12sparhbook --file your_new_gms_file
--prod 1 --threshold 500
--trig 50000
Type ec12sparhbook -h for a list of the
The list of the GMS run is here .
Click here to access LAC GMS data.