Another program for TDC discriminators
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Basic steps

  • Login on CLAS10 machine
       Username : aiaces
       Password : *******
  • Go into the directory CONTROL
       clas10>  cd CONTROL
  • Type the command
       clas10> caen_c207c croc17

The program will show you the following:

  • connection established to croc17
  • branch 0 initialized
  • Discriminators map :

b = 0, c= 0, n = 4, 5, 6, 7
                    n = 9,10,11,12
                    n = 14,15,16,17
                    n = 19,20,21,22
          c= 1, n = 4, 5, 6, 7
                    n = 9,10,11,12
                    n = 14,15,16,17
                    n = 19,20,21,22
                    (trigger) 23
c n ?

Digit the 2 numbers : for instance 0  4
N.B. separation between the numbers has to be only blanks!
This table will appear:

Reads the Discriminator Thresholds :                       type ----> 1
Reads the Pattern of Inhibit :                              type ----> 2
Tests the module activity and clears the Q line :     type ----> 3
Writes the Discriminator Thresholds :                       type ----> 4
Writes the Pattern of Inhibit :                              type ----> 5
Common Test :                                                      type ----> 6
Vetoes the channels via CAMAC :                              type ----> 7
Resets the module :                                                 type ----> 8
Changes C,N :                                                         type ----> 88
Quit :                                                                     type ----> 99


Type for instance : 1

You will have this table with the discriminator threshold values :

                    channel 0, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 1, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 2, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 3, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 4, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 5, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 6, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 7, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 8, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 9, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 10, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 11, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 12, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 13, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 14, threshold (mV): 14
                    channel 15, threshold (mV): 14

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