The following papers describe the Frascati measurements on nuclear photoabsorption and
photofission performed with the Jet-Target photon beam facility.
Physics Result Papers
- N.Bianchi et al., Phys. Lett. B 299 (1993) 219 : Measurement of the total
photonuclear cross section for 238U photofission in the nucleon resonance region
- M.Anghinolfi et al., Phys. Rev. C 47 (1993) 922 : Behavior of the Be and C total
photonuclear cross section in the nucleon resonance region
- M.Anghinolfi et al., Nucl. Phys. A 533 (1993) 631c : Total photonuclear cross section
in the nucleon resonance region
- N.Bianchi et al., Phys. Lett. B 309 (1993) 5 : Measurement of the total
photoabsorption cross section for carbon in the nucleon resonance region
- N.Bianchi et al., Phys. Rev. C 48 (1993) 1785 : The photofissility of 232Th measured
with monochromatic tagged photons from 250 to 1200 MeV
- N.Bianchi et al., Phys. Lett. B 325 (1994) 333 : Absolute total photoabsorption on
nuclei in the nucleon resonance region
- E.De Sanctis, N.Bianchi e V.Muccifora, Il Nuovo Saggiatore 5/6 (1994) 37 : L'assorbimento
di fotoni su nuclei nella regione delle risonanze nucleoniche
- N.Bianchi et al., Phys. Rev. C 54 (1996) 1688 : Total hadronic photoabsorption cross
section on nuclei in the nucleon resonance region ( .gz )
Technical Papers
- G.Ricco et al., Nucl. Phys. A 497 (1989) 477c : Tagged photon beam from a jet
- V.Muccifora et al., NIM A 295 (1990) 65 : Internal target effects in the ADONE
storage ring
- M.Taiuti et al., NIM A 297 (1990) 354 : The Argon cluster-beam installed in the ADONE
storage ring
- M.Anghinolfi et al., Nucl. Phys. A 527 (1991) 839 : Internal cluster-jet target for
nuclear physics at Frascati
- N.Bianchi et al., NIM A 311 (1992) 173 : Optical readout performance and phototubes
testing for an internal tagging system
- M.Taiuti et al., NIM A 313 (1992) 11 : Stochastic description of internal target
effects in storage rings
- N.Bianchi et al., NIM A 317 (1992) 492 : The Frascati tagged photon beam from a
molecular beam radiator
- M.Anghinolfi et al., NIM A 317 (1992) 531 : A BGO spectrometer for 200-1200 MeV
- V.Muccifora et al., NIM A 332 (1993) 288 : Simulation of particle interaction in NaI
Phenomenological Papers
In collaboration with ITEP, INR and University of Sao Paulo.
- A.S.Iljinov et al., Phys. Rev. C 39 (1989) 1420 : Comparison of fission of heavy
nuclei induced by different probes
- E.De Sanctis et al., Phys. Rev. C 42 (1990) : Deuteron photodisintegration and quark
- L.A.Kondratyuk et al., Phys. Rev. C48 (1993) 2491 : Deuteron photodisintegration,
quark gluon model and Regge phenomenology
- L.A.Kondratyuk et al., Nucl. Phys. A 579 (1994) 453 : Suppression of nucleon
resonances in the total nuclear photoabsorption cross section
- J.D.T. Arruda-Neto et al., Phys. Rev. C 51 (1995) 751 : Nuclear photofissility at
intermediate and high energies
- A.Deppman et al., Il Nuovo Cimento 109A (1996) 1197 : Clustering related aspects in
the compound nucleus formation
- A.S.Iljinov et al., Nucl. Phys. A 616 (1997) 575: Extension of the intranuclear
cascade model for photonuclear reactions up to 10 GeV
Selected Internal Reports
- M.Albicocco et al., LNF-86/029 (1986) : Proposta di realizzazione di un fascio di
fotoni marcati prodotti dalla bremsstrahlung degli elettroni di ADONE su una jet target
- N.Bianchi e V.Muccifora, LNF-89/002 (R) (1989) : Polarizzazione del fascio di fotoni
marcati dell'esperimento jet-target (studio di fattibilita')
- M.Anghinolfi et al., LNF-89/045 (R) (1989) : Proposal of measuring the total
photonuclear cross section between 300 MeV and 1.2 GeV
- M.Anghinolfi et al., LNF-90/010 (R) (1990) : Il progetto Jet Target su ADONE
- M.Anghinolfi et al., LNF-91/089 (R) (1991) : The Frascati program for measuring the
total photonuclear cross section in the nucleon resonance region
Selected Conference Proceedings
- Nuclear physics at Frascati with Internal targets presented by E. De Sanctis. III
Convegno di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona, Italy, October 14-16 1989, p75.
- Total photonuclear cross section in the nucleon resonance region presented by
V.Lucherini. Perspectives in nuclear physics at intermediate energies, Trieste, Italy, May
6-10 1991, p464.
- The Frascati program for measuring the total photonuclear cross section in the
nucleon resonance region presented by E. De Sanctis. VIII seminar on electromagnetic
interactions on nuclei at low and medium energies, Moscow, Russia, December 1991, p238.
- Total photoabsorption in nuclei presented by N.Bianchi. National conference on
physics of few-body and quark-hadronic systems, Kharkov, Ucraina, June 1992, p172.
- Total photonuclear cross section in the nucleon resonance region presented by
M.Anghinolfi. Baryons 92, Yale University, USA, June 1992.
- Total photoabsorption in nuclei presented by N.Bianchi. AIP conference proc. 269
Particles and Fields, Newport News (VA), USA, November 5-7 1992, p456.
- Total photonuclear cross section in the nucleon resonance region presented by
V.Lucherini. 1992 International nuclear physics conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, July 1992,
- Total photonuclear cross section in the nucleon resonance region presented by E.
De Sanctis, II Workshop on diquarks, Torino, November 2-4 1992, p107.
- Photon absorption experiments at Adone presented by N.Bianchi. VI Workshop on
perspectives in nuclear physics at intermediate energies, Trieste, May 3-7 1993,p445.
- Total photonuclear cross section measurement in the nucleon resonance region
presented by N.Bianchi. XIII PANIC conference, Perugia, Italy, June 28-July 2 1993, p464.
- Photoabsorption experiments at Frascati presented by N.Bianchi. Workshop on
electron nucleus scattering in the nucleon resonance region, Marciana Marina, Italy, July
5-10 1993, p306.
- Nuclear photoabsorption in the nucleon resonance region presented by N.Bianchi. V
Convegno di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona, Italy, October 14-16 1993, p119.
- Density dependence of the nucleon resonances masses and width inside nuclei
presented by N.Bianchi. International Conference on mesons and nuclei at intermediate
energies, Dubna, Russia, May 3-7, 1994, Book of abstract p65.
- Total photoabsorption in nuclei presented by V.Muccifora. Perspectives in nuclear
physics at intermediate energies, Trieste, Italy, May 8-12 1995, p220.
- Photoexcitation of nucleonic resonances in nuclei presented by V.Muccifora. VI
Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona, Italy, October 12-14 1995, p157.
- Baryon resonances of the bound nucleon presented by V.Muccifora DAPHCE workshop
on hadron dynamics with the new DAPHNE and CEBAF facilities, Frascati, Italy, November
11-14 1996.
Other topics : the electron scattering experiment
performed with the Jet-Target in Frascati.
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