In Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics 
Frascati (Italy), 
May 19th - 23rd, 2003

LNF Spring School 1997

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V Eurodaphne Collaboration Meeting

Frascati, April 14-18 1997
New High Energy Building - Main Auditorium



09.00 Registration
09.30 Welcome
10.00 M. Preger The DAFNE Accelerator Project
10.45 F.L. Fabbri The FINUDA Detector
11:30 Coffee Break
12.00 G. Colangelo Introduction to Chiral Perturbation Theory
13:45 Lunch at ENEA Cafeteria
15:00 (L) G. Martinelli On the Status of CP-Violation(I)
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 EURODAPHNE Collaboration Meeting -Closed Session


09.30 (L) E. de Rafael Large N_c QCD and Low-Energy Phenomenology (I)
11:00 Coffee Break
11.30 P. Franzini The KLOE Experiment
12.30 Visit to DAFNE and Experiments
13:45 Lunch at ENEA Cafeteria
Mini Workshop on Hadronic Cross-sections

and Radiative Corrections :

15:00 F. Jegerlehner Introduction to problems of very precise cross-sections at DAFNE energies
15:35 J. Kuehn Extracting alpha_s from electron-positron annihilation around 10 GeV
16:10 G. Cabibbo Luminosity and energy measurements at DAFNE
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 L. Trentadue Large angle QED processes at e^+e^- colliders at energies below 3 GeV
17:35 G. Montagna QED radiative corrections and radiative Bhabha scattering : a status report
18:10 Discussion



09.30 (L) A. Pich Physics at tau-charm factories (I)
11:00 Coffee Break
11.30 (L) E. de Rafael Large N_c QCD and Low-Energy Phenomenology (II)
13.00 J. Kambor Recent Developments on Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory
13:45 Lunch at ENEA Cafeteria
15:00 (L) G. Martinelli On the Status of CP-Violation(II)
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 E. Shabalin CP Effects in Decay of Charged Kaons into 3 Pions
17.25 M. Knecht On the Standard Model Estimate on epsilon'/epsilon in presence of a small q-qbar condensate
17.50 J. Taron Chiral Perturbation Theory : the Nonet Case
18:15 P. Godzinsky Vector Meson Masses



09.30 (L) A. Pich Physics at tau-charm Factories (II)
11:00 Coffee Break
11.30 J. Stern Comments on Two Loop pi-pi Scattering Amplitude
12:00 (L) J-P. Egger Phenomenology of Exotic Atoms
13:45 Lunch at ENEA Cafeteria
15:00 (L) A. Masiero CP-Violation Beyond the Standard Model(I)
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 S. Dubnicka The Complete Pion Eelectromagnetic Structure Model and DAFNE Experiments
17.25 E. Boglione Unquenching the Scalar Glueball
17.50 S. Peris Ultraviolet Renormalons and Low-Energy QCD
18:15 E. Pallante Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory



20:30 Social Dinner



09:30 (L) A. Masiero CP-Violation Beyond the Standard Model (II)
11:00 Coffee Break
11.30 (L) C. Guaraldo The DEAR Experiment
12:00 (L) J-P. Egger Experimental Aspects of Physics of Exotic Atoms
13:45 Lunch at ENEA Cafeteria
15:00 S. Bellucci The decay eta ->pi pi gamma gamma
15.30 H. Neufeld Non-Leptonic Radiative Kaon Decays
16:00 N. Achasov Search for the Scalar a_0 and f_0 Mesons in the reaction e^+e^-->gamma pi^0pi^0 eta
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 G. D'Ambrosio Vector Resonance Exchange Contributions to K-> pi gamma gamma and K_L -> gamma gamma^*
17:25 J.Portoles The Slope of the K_L->pi^+pi^- gamma and Vector Meson Contributions in a Factorization Approach
17:50 J.A. Oller Chiral Symmetry Coupled Channel Approach to the S-wave Meson-meson Interaction and the gamma gamma -> meson meson Process
18:15 V. Antonelli Chiral Quark Model in K-meson Physics
Concluding Remarks

(L) = Lectures
(**) Speaker to be confirmed
(*) To be confirmed


WebMaster: S. Braccini