In Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics 
Frascati (Italy), 
May 19th - 23rd, 2003

LNF Spring School 1996

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IV Eurodaphne Collaboration Meeting

Frascati, April 15-20 1996
New High Energy Building - Main Auditorium



09.00 Registration
09.30 L. Maiani Opening
10.00 (L) T. Kinoshita g-2 of the muon
11:30 Coffee Break
12.00 F. Close Meson Spectroscopy
12:40 M. Pennington Gluons stick together (recent issues in spectroscopy)
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Eurodaphne Collaboration Meeting (closed session)
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 A. Courau The Quasi-real Compton scattering for detector calibration at DAFNE
17:00 L. Ametller gamma gamma -> 3 pi


09.30 (L) L. Maiani CP/CPT violation
11:00 Coffee Break
11.30 (L) T. Kinoshita g-2 of the muon
13:00 Lunch
Mini Workshop on g-2 of Charged Leptons :
14:30 F. Jegerlehner Hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to g-2 of the leptons
15:00 E. Remiddi The analytical value of the 3 loop QED corrections to the electron g-2
15:30 B. Krause Electroweak two-loop Corrections to the muon g-2
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 E. de Rafael Comments on Hadronic and Electroweak Corrections to the muon g-2
17:00 S. Dubnicka Hadronic Contributions to the g-2 of Charged Leptons
17:30 E. Pallante Light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon g-2



09.30 (L) L. Maiani CP/CPT violation
11:00 Coffee Break
11.30 (L) R. Dalitz Hypernuclear Physics
13:00 Lunch
14.30 I. Mannelli Experimental strategies for fixed target CP studies
15.30 M. Fabbrichesi A new estimate of epsilon'/epsilon
16:00 Coffee Break
16.30 G. D'Ambrosio K->pgg decays: higher order corrections and role for K->pe+e-
17.00 P. Privitera Measurement of muon polarization in K+ ->pi0mu+nu at a Phi-factory
17.30 A. Pugliese Two body decays and CP violation of Charmed mesons



LNF Scientific Committee Open Session:
09.30 C. Biscari Status Report on DAFNE
10:10 T. Bressani Status Report on FINUDA
10:40 A. Olin Studies of KN scattering with FINUDA
11:00 Coffee Break
11:20 P. Franzini Status Report on KLOE
12:00 C. Guaraldo Status Report on DEAR
12:40 N. Bianchi Nuclear Physics at Foreign Laboratories
13:00 Lunch
14.30 (L) J. Gasser Chiral Perturbation Theory
16:00 Coffee Break
16.30 A. Pich Tau-Charm Physics
17.30 M. Pennington Extracting pi-pi phase shifts from Ke4
20:30 Social Dinner



09:30 (L) J. Gasser Chiral Perturbation Theory
16:00 Coffee Break
11.30 (L) R. Dalitz Hypernuclear Physics
13:00 Lunch
14.30 L. Nemenov pi+pi- atom and experimental test of exact CHPT predictions
15.00 J. Stern Experimental signatures of quark condensation
15.30 M. Knecht Low energy pi-pi scattering at two loops
16:00 Coffee Break
16.20 G. Colangelo Elastic pi-pi scattering at two loops
16.45 G. Isidori Radiative Four-Meson Amplitudes
17.10 J. Portoles The Chell-Olsson test vs CHPT
17.35 N. Achasov Scope of production of four-quark states and K-K molecules at DAFNE
18.00 Concluding Remarks

(L) = Lectures


WebMaster: S. Braccini