Spring School in Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics will take
place at INFN
National Laboratories in Frascati, Italy, from 16th to 20th of
May, 2005.
The Frascati National Laboratories are located 30 Km Southeast of Rome, near the town of Frascati and host the DAFNE electron-positron collider, as shown in this picture. This building housed until 1993 the ADONE e+e- collider, in which the production of the J/y was observed in 1974. ADONE followed the steps of the first e+e- collider ADA which was built in Frascati in 1961 from an original idea of Bruno Touschek. |
The School is directed to graduate students, post-graduate and post-doctoral fellows and to young researchers from the EURIDICE EU network.The 2005 edition of the School will be mainly devoted to theoretical and experimental developments in: meson spectroscopy,kaon physics and cosmology.1st BULLETTINMain Lectures: G. Altarelli, CERN and U. Roma TRE, "Neutrinos in 2005" [ (slidesI), (slidesII)] S. Eidelman, Novosibirsk, "The muon Anomalous magnetic moment" [ (slides)] R. Jaffe, MIT, "Theoretical overview of multiquark states" [ (slides)] A. Palano, U. Bari, "New spectroscopy from charm and beauty decays" [ (slides) A. Riotto, INFN Padova, " Cosmology scenarios and particle physics" [(slidesI), (slidesII)] R. Tschirhart, FNAL, "Present status and future
prospects in Kaon physics" [ (slidesI)] J. Lee-Franzini, INFN Frascati, "The strange essence in KLOE" L. Maiani, U. Roma "La Sapienza",
 "The search for a new state of matter: a pedagogical introduction" Historical Session Projection of the movie "Bruno Touschek e l'arte
della Fisica" by Luisa Bonolis and Enrico Agapito |