Physics in the LHC era
D. Bryman (Triumph)
: Rare pi & K decay experiments
P. Franzini (LNF)
: The Physics of KLOE
M. Greco (Roma Tre)
: Deep Inelastic Scattering and the limit of small parton energy fraction
K. Lane (Boston)
Effective Field Theories for LHC physics
W. Marciano (BNL)
The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the muon
T. Pich (Valencia)
Effective Field Theories for low Energy Physics
A. Stocchi (Orsay):
Recent developments in Beauty and Charm Physics
A. Vladikas (Rome Tor
: Flavour Physics on the Lattice
Contributed Talks from the partecipants**:
**Participants are encouraged to submit a title and abstract for a
short presentation at