ELAN is the European Network on Electron Accelerators, part of the CARE project which intends to coordinate all European resources to perform an active R&D on European particle accelerators and test facilities. ELAN is formed by the collaboration of 50 institutes from twelve countries. It comprises CERN and DESY, the 2 largest centre in Accelerator Physics in Europe, as well as the major centres which are involved in the effort in view of a Global Linear Collider. It also comprises new groups from medium size laboratories and universities which are active in the field of instrumentation, a major asset for these future machines. ELAN also intends to look into new techniques of acceleration which requires a good coordination between accelerator experts and laser/plasma specialists.
CARE has been recently approved in the framework of FP6, therefore providing the necessary resources, in the case of ELAN travel money, to start the work. A detailed description of ELAN can be found in :

ELAN will work in tight connection with two related Joint Research Activities of CARE: the JRA on a photo-injector and the JRA on superconductivity. The structure and activities of ELAN are summarized in the chart below.
The ELAN workshop in Frascati is a two day and a half meeting, from May 4 till May 6 mid-day. The primary goal is to start the effective work in the 5 work packages and to have a broad discussion on the strategy of ELAN.





MG - 3 february 2004