Conference Registration and Fees
- Registration
To proceed with the registration, please, follow the link Late Registration
Please note that the registration is separate from the Abstract Submission system. The instructions are available on the page Program of the Menu.
Conference Fees in € (intended to cover organizational costs)
Early registration
::before July 26::Late registration
::after July 25::On site registration
::September 25-30::Participant 400 500 600Student* 200 300 400Accompanying person 100 100 100
* Proof of the student status (student card copy or letter from mentor) should accompany registration form.Payment on site in Euro (€) currency will be possible at the Conference Desk during registration.
- The Conference fee for regular participants and students includes:
- Attendance of all conference sessions
- Conference bag, conference program and abstracts book
- Welcome Mixer
- Coffee-breaks
- Conference dinner
- Excursion
- Accompanying person's fee includes coverage for:
- Conference dinner
- Welcome mixer
- Excursion
- Support for students and young scientists
The Organizing Committee intends to financially support selected students and young participants. Financial support consists in partial waiving the registration fee and should be requested by submission of the Grant Application Form together with a presentation letter of the advisor or of a prominent scientist BEFORE May 31, 2016 to: Channeling 2016 Secretariat, email:
- Insurance and liability
The registration fee does not include personal insurance. Participants are advised to make their own arrangements regarding travel insurance and medical assistance during the Conference. The Conference Secretariat, Organizing Committees and Organizing Institutions are not able to take any responsibility, whatsoever, for injury or damage to persons or property during the meeting.