The members of this year's Organizing Committee are:
Gennaro Corcella, INFN Frascati, Italy
Stefania De Curtis, INFN Firenze, Italy
Rohini M. Godbole, IISC Bangalore, India
Stefano Moretti, NExT Institute Southampton Univ., UK
Giulia Pancheri, coordinator, INFN LNF, Frascati, Italy
Francois Richard, LAL Orsay, France
The Conveners with their field of competence are as follows:
Elena Accomando, NExT Institute Southampton Univ., UK (Higgs physics )
Francesca Borzumati, Tohoku Univ., Japan (Supersymmetry)
Denis Comelli, INFN Ferrara, Italy (EW)
Aldo Deandrea, IPN Lyon, France (BSM)
Orlando Panella, INFN Perugia, Italy (Photon-photon)
Massimo Passera, INFN Padova (SM)
Fulvio Piccinini, INFN Pavia(MC)