Japan-Italy Symposium
on Beam Physics related to
High Luminosity Meson Factories

Frascati, 16 and 17 December 1999

at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (LNF-INFN)

         DAFNE and KEKB are now completed and are under operation. These two accelerators are similar to each other: they have two rings with high currents, many bunches, crossing angles for the beam-beam collisions etc.

         In constructing these machines, physicists in Italy and Japan have collaborated with friendship. For the future of the high energy accelerators in both countries, it is time to start more regular collaboration.

         The symposium is devoted to:

1) review of the performance of the present accelerators;
2) common problems and their possible cures;
3) ideas to go beyond the design luminosity;
4) ideas and beam dynamics challenges for further luminosity.

         The topics will be limited mainly to beam dynamics problems and technical issues will not be covered fully, unless strongly related to dynamical issues.

Organizing Committee: K.ÝHirata (Chairman), G.ÝVignola, M.ÝSerio, S.ÝKurokawa

Local Organizing Committee: G.ÝVignola (Chairman), M.ÝSerio, M.ÝZobov and P.ÝPossanza.


Thursday December 16th - Morning Session - Auditorium A.E.

(Review of the performances of the present accelerators - Ideas to go beyond the design luminosity)
09:15 - 09:30 P. Laurelli 
(LNF Director)
09:30 - 10:05 K. Hirata 
(SoKenDai, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies/KEK): 
Scope of the Symposium ó International Collaboration for High Luminosity ó
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10:05 - 10:40 H. Fukuma 
(KEKB Commissioning Group) 
Performance of KEKB
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10:40 - 11:15 F. Cervelli 
Status Report on KLOE/DAFNE at 
Frascati National Laboratory (LNF)
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11:15 - 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 - 12:20 C. Biscari 
(LNF, DAFNE Team) 
The Status of DAFNE
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12:20 - 12:55 Y. Funakoshi 
(KEKB Commissioning Group) 
Higher Luminosities Factories
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Thursday December 16th - Afternoon Session - Auletta D.A.

(Common problems and their possible cures)
14:30-15:05 F. Sannibale 
(LNF, DAFNE Team) 
Beam Measurements for Luminosity Performances
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15:05-15:40 H. Fukuma 
(KEKB Commissioning Group)
 Fast Beam-Ion Instability and 
Photoelectron Instability
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15:40-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 S. Guiducci 
(LNF, DAFNE Team) 
Optics Issues in a Low-Energy 
Storage Ring Collider
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16:30-17:00 S. Kamada 
Perfect Matching of the Lattice and Dynamic Aperture Improvement at TRISTAN Collider
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Friday December 17th - Morning Session - Auletta D.A.

(Ideas and beam dynamics challenges for further luminosity)
09:30-10:05 K. Yokoya 
(KEK/Tokyo University) 
Coherent Beam-Beam Interaction with Finite Crossing Angle
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10:05-10:40 S. Petracca 
(Univ. Salerno)
Synchro-betatron Coupling due to Beam-Beam Interaction
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10:40-11:15 K. Ohmi 
Simulation of the Beam-Beam Effect in KEKB
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11:15-11:45 Coffee Break
11:45-12:20 A. Gallo 
(LNF, DAFNE Team) 
Single Ring and Collider Regime Collective Phenomena: Beam Dynamics Observation During the DAFNE Commissioning
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12:20-12:55 L. Palumbo 
(University Roma La Sapienza/LNF) 
A Review of the Longitudinal Single Bunch Dynamics in Electron Colliders
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