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The Network Queueing System ( NQS ) batch system has been installed on
LNF UNIX Environment and is used for batch job submission. A NQS
job is a series of UNIX commands combined in a Shell script. NQS
works by using the job queues and the NQS on LNF UNIX Cluster
distinguishes beetwen two types of queue:
- Batch queue
- Batch queues are defined on each system in NQS
domain. Each queue has different resources limits, in particular the
CPU time.
- Pipe queue
- Pipe queues are a mechanism to distribute jobs and
balance the workload evenly over the destination servers. Users submit
to the pipe queue, and the load balancing software in NQS finds an
empty server in which has to run the job. If all servers are full,
then the job is put on wait state. If more than one job are on wait
state, than the next job to be started is determined by an intelligent
script which is aware of the current state of running and queued
jobs. The following subsection describes the batch environment in more
Wed Feb 14 19:03:34 WET 1996