4.0 Using Toolboxes to Run Applications

The toolboxes are containers for applications and utilities.

There are three toolboxes:

Personal Toolbox
Your personally-configurable toolbox. You can create actions yourself or copy them from other toolboxes.
General Toolbox
Contains applications and utilities built into HP VUE or provided by the system administrator.
Network Toolbox
Lets you access actions on other systems.

You can think of the toolboxes as File Manager views of special directories set aside for applications and utilities. However, within a toolbox, you cannot go up past the top level of the toolbox, which is represented in the status line by / ... /.

Each application or utility is represented by an icon called an action icon. Actions and their icons are HP VUE's way of creating a visual representation for applications, utilities, and other commands.

4.1 The Personal Toolbox

The Personal Toolbox is a container for applications and utilities you use frequently or create yourself.

Initially, the personal toolbox contains:

You have control over the contents of your Personal Toolbox. You can add and remove tools, and organize the contents by creating subdirectories.

4.1.1 To open the Personal Toolbox

4.1.2 To start an application or utility

To get help on an action icon select the action and press F1

4.1.3 To add a subdirectory to the Personal Toolbox

  1. Choose New from the Directory menu.
  2. In the Personal Toolbox - New Directory dialog box, enter a name into the New Directory Name Field.
  3. Choose OK or press Return.

4.1.4 To make a personal action more readily available

It is often useful to copy action icons to directories containing application data.

4.1.4 To copy a general or network action to the Personal Toolbox

4.1.5 To add an application to the Personal Toolbox

  1. If you have not already done so, install the application on your system and find out the command line you would execute to start the application from a Terminal Emulator.
  2. Double-click CreateAction in the Utilities subdirectory of the System Toolbox to display the Create Action dialog box.

  3. In the Name field, type a unique name for the action.
  4. In the Command Line field, type the command that would start the application. If the command takes a data file, substitute $n for each argument, where n is 1 for the first data file, 2 for the second, etc. (Example: Wingz $1)
  5. Use the Window Type options menu to select how the action's output will be displayed. Select X Windows if the application creates it's own window: Select Terminal if the application runs in a Terminal Emulator window.
  6. Choose Apply.
  7. Test the action by double-clicking the action icon. If it doesn't work properly, edit the fields in the Create Action dialog and Apply your changes.
  8. When you are satisfied that the action is working properly, choose Close.

If the application is located on another system, you can use remsh in the Command Line. However, HP VUE actions provide a better way to start applications on other systems.

4.2 The General Toolbox

The General Toolbox is a container for:

You can move about in the General Toolbox and invoke actions from it. However, you are not allowed to write to it (unless you are logged in as superuser). Therefore, you cannot add actions logged in as yourself, a dialog box will prompt you for the root password.

4.2.1 To open the General Toolbox

  1. Display the Toolboxes subpanel by choosing the up arrow above the Tools control.
  2. Choose General in the Toolboxes subpanel.

4.2.2 To make a general action more readily available

4.3 The Network Toolbox

The Network Toolbox lets you use actions that are defined on other systems.

The top level of the Network Toolbox contains a subdirectory for each remote system whose actions you can access.

4.4 The Marketplace Toolbox

The Marketplace Toolbox contains a help file which accesses different companies and their products which can be used on the HP systems.