
Option Type Default Value #pragma options C C++
-qoption noinfo INFO x x


    -qinfo | -qinfo=all | -qinfo=group{:group}  | -qnoinfo 
    INFO |  INFO=ALL | INFO=group{:group} | NOINFO 

Produces informational messages.

The -qinfo and -qinfo=all forms of the option have the same effect.

Available forms of the -qinfo option are:

all Turns on all diagnostic messages for all groups.

Note: The -qinfo and -qinfo=all forms of the option have the same effect.

noinfo Turns off all diagnostic messages for specific portions of your program.
group Turns on or off specific groups of messages, where group can be one or more of:
group Type of messages returned or suppressed
cls|nocls Classes
cmp|nocmp Possible redundancies in unsigned comparisons
cnd|nocnd Possible redundancies or problems in conditional expressions
cns|nocns Operations involving constants
cnv|nocnv Conversions
dcl|nodcl Consistency of declarations
eff|noeff Statements with no effect
enu|noenu Consistency of enum variables
ext|noext Unused external definitions
gen|nogen General diagnostic messages
gnr|nognr Generation of temporary variables
got|nogot Use of goto statements
ini|noini Possible problems with initialization
inl|noinl Functions not inlined
lan|nolan Language level effects
obs|noobs Obsolete features
ord|noord Unspecified order of evaluation
par|nopar Unused parameters
por|nopor Nonportable language constructs
ppc|noppc Possible problems with using the preprocessor
ppt|npppt Trace of preprocessor actions
pro|nopro Missing function prototypes
rea|norea Code that cannot be reached
ret|noret Consistency of return statements
trd|notrd Possible truncation or loss of data or precision
tru|notru Variable names truncated by the compiler
uni|nouni Unitialized variables
use|nouse Unused auto and static variables
vft|novft Generation of virtual function tables

To compile myprogram.C to produce informational message about all items except conversions and unreached statements, enter:

xlC myprogram.C -qinfo=all -qinfo=nocnv:norea

List of Compiler Options and Their Defaults
Options that Specify Compiler Output
#pragma info Preprocessor Directive