#pragma info

The #pragma info directive controls the diagnostic messages generated by the

compiler option.

You can use this directive in place of the compiler option to turn groups of diagnostic messages on or off. The #pragma info directive overrides any compiler options stated on the command line.

Available options are:

all Turns on all diagnostic checking.
none Turns off all diagnostic suboptions for specific portions of your program.
restore Restores the options that were in effect before the previous #pragma info directive.

Because #pragma info operates like a stack, the options restored may not be those given on the command line. If no options were previously in effect, #pragma info(restore) does nothing.

group Turns on specific groups of messages, where group can be one or more of:
group Type of messages returned
cmp Possible redundancies in unsigned comparisons
cnd Possible redundancies or problems in conditional expressions
cns Operations involving constants
cnv Conversions
dcl Consistency of declarations
eff Statements with no effect
enu Consistency of enum variables
ext Unused external definitions
gen General diagnostic messages
gnr Generation of temporary variables
got Use of goto statements
ini Possible problems with initialization
inl Functions not inlined
lan Language level effects
obs Obsolete features
ord Unspecified order of evaluation
par Unused parameters
por Nonportable language constructs
ppc Possible problems with using the preprocessor
ppt Trace of preprocessor actions
rea Code that cannot be reached
ret Consistency of return statements
trd Possible truncation or loss of data or precision
tru Variable names truncated by the compiler
uni Unitialized variables
use Unused auto and static variables
vft Generation of virtual function tables


Preprocessor Directives

#pragma Preprocessor Directives
List of Preprocessor Directives