Implementation Dependency - Translation (F.3.1)

Translation is the process of transforming all or part of a source program into a program image that contains all the information needed for the program to run.

Each nonempty sequence of white-space characters in a source program, other than the new-line character, is replaced by one space character. Comments are treated as white space. (

If you use the -C compiler option, comments are retained.

Diagnostic messages have the following format (

15cc-nnn (severity) text.


cc Is a two-digit code indicating the compiler component that issued the message:
00 Code-generation or optimization message
01 Compiler services message
05 Front-end text message
06 Front-end error message
nnn Is the message number
severity Is a letter representing the severity level of the message
text Is the message text describing the error

Diagnostic messages have the following severity levels:

Letter Severity Compiler Response
I Informational Compilation continues. The message reports conditions found during compilation.
W Warning Compilation continues. The message reports valid, but possibly unintended, conditions.
E Error Compilation continues and object code is generated. Error conditions exist that the compiler can correct, but the program might not run correctly.
S Severe error Compilation continues, but object code is not generated. Error conditions exist that the compiler cannot correct.
U Unrecoverable error The compiler halts. An internal compiler error has been found. This message should be reported to your IBM service representative.

The translator returns the following status codes for each severity level of diagnostic message:

Message Severity Return Code
Informational, Warning, or Error 0
Severe 1
Unrecoverable 40

The level of diagnostic can be controlled with the following compiler options (


See Message Severity Levels and Compiler Response for detailed information about IBM C/C++ Compilers diagnostic messages.

Implementation-Defined Behavior
Implementation Dependencies
Message Severity Levels and Compiler Response
Compiler Return Codes
flag Compiler Option
halt Compiler Option