Type Conversions

Type conversions are implementation dependent. Tables on this page summarize type conversions of arithmetic types. Arithmetic types include signed and unsigned integral types (char, int, short and long) in addition to float, double, and long double types.


Type Conversions--Signed Integer Types


signed char signed short signed int signed long signed long long


signed char None Sign extend Sign extend Sign extend Sign extend
signed short Preserve low-order bytes None sign extend sign extend sign extend
signed int Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes None Preserve bit pattern sign extend
signed long Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes None sign extend
signed long long Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes None
unsigned char Preserve bit pattern: high-order bit becomes sign bit Zero extend Zero extend Zero extend Zero extend
unsigned short Preserve low-order bytes Preserve bit pattern: high-order bit becomes sign bit Zero extend Zero extend Zero extend
unsigned int Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve bit pattern: high-order bit becomes sign bit Preserve bit pattern: high-order bit becomes sign bit Zero extend
unsigned long Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve bit pattern: high-order bit becomes sign bit Preserve bit pattern: high-order bit becomes sign bit Zero extend
unsigned long long Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve bit pattern: high-order bit becomes sign bit
float Convert to int, and convert int to signed char Convert to int, and convert int to signed short Truncate at decimal. if result is too large for int, result is undefined Truncate at decimal. if result is too large for long, result is undefined Truncate at decimal. if result is too large for long long, result is undefined
double Convert to int, and convert int to signed char Convert to int, and convert int to signed short Truncate at decimal. if result is too large for int, result is undefined Truncate at decimal. if result is too large for long, result is undefined Truncate at decimal. if result is too large for long long, result is undefined
long double Convert to int, and convert int to signed char Convert to int, and convert int to signed short Truncate at decimal. if result is too large for int, result is undefined Truncate at decimal. if result is too large for long, result is undefined Truncate at decimal. if result is too large for long long, result is undefined


Type Conversions--Unsigned Integer Types


unsigned char unsigned short unsigned int unsigned long unsigned long long


signed char Preserve bit pattern: sign function of sign bit lost Sign extend to short, and convert to unsigned short Sign extend to int, and convert int to unsigned int Sign extend to long, and convert long to unsigned long Sign extend to long long, and convert long long to unsigned long long
short Preserve low-order byte Preserve bit pattern: sign function of sign bit lost Sign extend to int, and convert int to unsigned int Sign extend to long, and convert long to unsigned long Sign extend to long long, and convert long long to unsigned long long
int Preserve low-order byte Preserve low-order byte Preserve bit pattern: sign function of sign bit lost Preserve bit pattern: sign function of sign bit lost Sign extend to long long, and convert long long to unsigned long long
long Preserve low-order byte Preserve low-order byte Preserve bit pattern: sign function of sign bit lost Preserve bit pattern: sign function of sign bit lost Sign extend to long long, and convert long long to unsigned long long
long long Preserve low-order byte Preserve low-order byte Preserve low-order byte Preserve low-order byte Preserve bit pattern: sign function of sign bit lost
unsigned char None Zero extend Zero extend Zero extend Zero extend
unsigned short Preserve low-order byte None Zero extend Zero extend Zero extend
unsigned int Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes None Preserve bit pattern Zero extend
unsigned long Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve bit pattern None Zero extend
unsigned long long Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes Preserve low-order bytes None
float Convert to int, and convert int to unsigned char Convert to unsigned int, and convert unsigned int to unsigned short Truncate; if result is negative or too large, the result is undefined Truncate; if result is negative or too large, the result is undefined Truncate; if result is negative or too large, the result is undefined
double Convert to int, and convert int to unsigned char Convert to unsigned int, and convert unsigned int to unsigned short Truncate; if result is negative or too large, the result is undefined Truncate; if result is negative or too large, the result is undefined Truncate; if result is negative or too large, the result is undefined
long double Convert to int, and convert int to unsigned char Convert to unsigned int, and convert unsigned int to unsigned short Truncate; if result is negative or too large, the result is undefined Truncate; if result is negative or too large, the result is undefined Truncate; if result is negative or too large, the result is undefined


Type Conversions--Floating-point Types


float double long double


signed char Sign extend to int, and convert int to float Sign extend to int, and convert int to double Sign extend to int, and convert int to long double
signed short Sign extend to int, and convert int to float Sign extend to int, and convert int to double Sign extend to int, and convert int to long double
signed int Represent as float; if the int cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as double; if the int cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as long double; if the int cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur
signed long Represent as float; if the long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as double; if the long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as long double; if the long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur
signed long long Represent as float; if the long long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as double; if the long long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as long double; if the long long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur
unsigned char Sign extend to int, and convert int to float Sign extend to int, and convert int to double Sign extend to int, and convert int to long double
unsigned short Sign extend to int, and convert int to float Sign extend to int, and convert int to double Sign extend to int, and convert int to long double
unsigned int Represent as float; if the int cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as double; if the int cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as long double; if the int cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur
unsigned long Represent as float; if the long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as double; if the long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as long double; if the long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur
unsigned long long Represent as float; if the long long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as double; if the long long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur Represent as long double; if the long long cannot be represented exactly, some loss of precision may occur
float None Convert to double Convert to long double
double Represent as float; if result is too large, result is undefined None Convert to long double
long double Convert to float Represent as double; if result is too large to be represented as double, result is undefined None

Converting Pascal String Literals
The -qmacpstr option converts Pascal string literals of the form "\pABC" into null-terminated strings where the first byte contains the length of the string.

Integral Promotion
The default compiler action is for integral promotions to convert a char, short int, int bitfield or their signed or unsigned types, or an enumeration type to an int. Otherwise, the type is converted to an unsigned int.

The -qupconv option promotes any unsigned type smaller than an int to an unsigned int instead of to an int.

Implementation Dependencies