The tagging detector
is one of the most delicate parts of this experiment.
At ESRF the only practical possibility to tag the produced high energy
photon by measuring the position of the electron that has undergone the
Compton scattering process is by means of an internal tagger. This implies
that the device has to be extremely compact, reside inside the vacuum chamber
of the storage ring, as close as possible to the main electron orbit, and
must work in the environment of the storage ring, where high fluxes of
x-rays are produced in the dipoles and in the ondulators (synchrotron radiation).
The detector consist of 10 plastic scintillators for triggering purposes
and 128 silicon microstrips (300 microns width) that will provide the position
measurement of the scattered electron. The expected energy resolution of
the tagger is influenced by the geometrical properties of the primary beam
and by the machine optics. In the final configuration en energy resolution
of 16 MeV (FWHM) for the produced photon is expected.
the above figure shows (left) a
a typical energy spectrum with maximum energy o 1.1 GeV as measured by the
silicon microstrips. The high energy tail is due to bremsstrahlung
on the residual gas of ESRF. The green spectrum (right) shows the resolution
obtained corresponding to the design goal of 16 MeV (FWHM)