GR.A.A.L. results and bibliography
scientific results
New measurement of
beam asymmetry for
meson photoproduction
on the proton
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1797, 1998
Beam asymmetry in meson photoproduction at Graal
Nucl. Phys. A654, 531c, 1999
Beam polarisation asymmetry in meson photoproduction at Graal
Few-Body Systems Suppl. 11, 216, 1999
Precise measurement of
beam asymmetry for positive
pion photoproduction on the proton from 550 to 1100-MeV
Phys. Lett. B 475, 372, 2000
Results from the Graal experiment
Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 44, 423, 2000
Differential cross section measurement of
photoproduction on the
proton from threshold to 1100 MeV
Phys. Lett. B 528, 215, 2002
Precise measurement of
beam asymmetry for positive
pion photoproduction on the proton from 800 to 1500 MeV
Phys. Lett. B 544, 113, 2002
Meson Photoproduction at Graal and Baryon Resonances
Nucl. Phys. A699, 218c, 2002
Photoproduction on the Proton at GRAAL
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 222001, 2003
Probing the Light Speed Anisotropy with Respect to the Cosmic Microwawe Background
Radiation Dipole
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 20, 19, 2005
photoproduction on the neutron at GRAAL: measurement of the differential cross section
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20, 1554, 2005
photoproduction off the neutron at GRAAL.
Measurement of
photoproduction on the proton from
550 to 1500 MeV at GRAAL
Eur. Phys. J. A 26, 399, 2005
Polarization observable measurement for
for energies up to 1.5 GeV
Eur. Phys. J. A 31, 79, 2007
Measurement of
photoproduction on the proton from
threshold to 1500 MeV
Eur. Phys. J. A 33, 169, 2007
Photoproduction on the neutron at GRAAL
Phys. Lett. B 651, 108, 2007
First measurement of the
beam asymmetry in
photoproduction on the neutron
Phys. Rev. C 78, 015203, 2008
Simultaneous photoproduction of
Mesons on the Proton
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 052003, 2008
Measurement of beam-recoil observables Ox, Oz and target asymmetry for the reaction
arXiv:0807 3839v1 [nucl-ex]
technical papers
- A. Zucchiatti et al., Temperature behaviour of a BGO prototype for use in a 4-PI
high energy spectrometer
NIM A 281, 391, 1989
- The BGO collaboration progress report 1990
- L. Mazzaschi et al., Simulation of particle interactions in BGO
NIM A305, 391, 1991
- A. Zucchiatti et al., Optimization of response of BGO sectors for a 4-PI
electromagnetic calorimeter
NIM A 317,492, 1992
- A. Zucchiatti et al., Response of BGO sectors to protons up to 170 MeV
NIM A321, 219 1992
- M. Anghinolfi et al., A spectrometer for 1 GeV electrons using scintillation detectors
NIM A324, 191, 1993
- GRAAL collaboration report
IPNO-DRE 9309, 1993
- L. Mazzaschi et al., Simulation of photon-nucleon interactions
NIM A346, 441, 1994
- M. Anghinolfi et al., The response of a BGO scintillation detector to 100-500 MeV kinetic energy
pions, protons and deuterons
NIM A362, 292, 1995
- P. Levi Sandri et al., Performance of a BGO calorimeter ia a tagged photon beam from 260
to 1150 MeV
NIM A370, 396, 1996
- V.Bellini et al., Experimental study of high-energy resolution lead/scintillating
fiber calorimetry in the 600 MeV to 1200 MeV energy region
NIM A386, 254, 1997
- M. Castoldi et al., The temperature monitoring system of a BGO calorimeter
NIM A403, 22, 1998
- F. Ghio et al., The GRAAL high resolution BGO calorimeter and its energy calibration
and monitoring system
NIM A404, 71, 1998
- C. Schaerf, P. Levi Sandri, J.P Bocquet, E. Hourany GRAAL experiment at the
Nupecc News 8, 24, 1998
- M. Breuer et al., Polarization of hydrogen molecules HD, D2 and DT
NIM A415, 156, 1998
- A. Zucchiatti et al., Optimisation of clustering algorithms for the reconstruction of
events started by a 1-GeV photon beam in a segmented BGO calorimeter
NIM A425, 536, 1999
- A. D'Angelo et al., Generation of Compton Backscattering gamma-ray beams
NIM A455, 1, 2000
- G. Rouille et al., A polarized HD target factory in Europe
NIM A464, 428, 2001
- V.Kouznetsov et al., Large acceptance lead-scintillator time-of-flight wall
for neutrals and charged particles
NIM A487, 396, 2002
- O. Bartalini et al., Neutron detection efficiency of BGO calorimeter at GRAAL
NIM A562, 85, 2006