The FENICE experiment was built in 1990 at the collider ADONE in Frascati to perform the first measurement of the
electromagnetic form factor of the neutron in the time like-region,
measuring the cross section of the reaction:
. The non-magnetic apparatus allowed the detection of
as well as multihadronic events. The experiment determined the first
measurement of the neutron form factor from q2 = 3.69 to q2 = 5.95 for a total integrated luminosity of about 500 nb -1, together with new results on the proton form factor in the same q2 region and a measurement of the total
→ hadrons cross section, close to the nucleon-antinucleon threshold.
The neutron form factor turns out to be greater or equal than the proton. The angular distribution of
antiprotons and antineutrons allowed to check the presence of the
electric form factor contributions.
On the left, a schematic drawing of the FENICE detector: (a) the complete detector under its concrete shield covered with an active veto system to detect cosmic rays; (b) a detail of two octants of the apparatus.