Eurodaphne papers in 1998
J. Bijnens, G. Colangelo and P. Talavera, The
vector and scalar form factors of the pion to two loops, edc.98-01
A. Pich, Effective Field
Theory, edc.98-02
A. Pich and J. Prades, Perturbative
quark mass corrections to the tau hadronic width, edc.98-03
N.A. Tornqvist, Predicting
the pi and eta masses as quantum corrections without quark masses,
G. Buchalla and G. Isidori, The
CP conserving contributions to KL -> P0 neutrino anti-neutrino, edc.98-05
G. Ecker, Chiral Symmetry,
H. Neufeld, J. Gasser, G. Ecker, The
one-loop functional as a Berezinian, edc.98-07
S. Peris, M. Perrottet, E. de Rafael, Matching
Long and Short Distances in Large-Nc QCD, edc.98-08
G. Pancheri, Physics
at DAPHNE, edc 98-09
G. D'Ambrosio, G. Ecker, G. Isidori, J. Portoles, The
decays K ---> PI L+ L- beyond the leading order in the chiral expansion,
J. Bijnens, G. Colangelo, G. Ecker, Double
Chiral Logs, edc.98-11
G. Colangelo and G. Isidori, Supersymmetric
contributions to rare kaon decays: beyond the single mass insertion approximation,
J. Gasser, PI-PI scattering
at low-energy: status report, edc.98-13
P. Herrera-Siklódy, Matching
of U_L(3) x U_R(3) and SU_L(3) x SU_R(3) Chiral Perturbation Theories,
A. Bramon, R. Escribano, M.C. Scadron, The
eta-eta' mixing angle revisited, edc.98-15
G. Cabibbo, G. Venanzoni, Measuring
the DAPHNE luminosity with large angle Bhabha scattering, edc.98-16
B. Ancochea, A. Bramon, M. Nowakowski, Bell-inequalities
for K^0 K^0-bar Pairs from Phi-Resonance Decays, edc.98-17
A. Bramon, M. Nowakowski, Bell-inequalities
for Entangled Neutral Kaons, edc.98-18
J. Bijnens, J. Prades, The
Delta I = 1/2 Rule in the Chiral Limit , edc.98-19
G. Pancheri, Photons
and Other Physics at DAPHNE edc. 98-20
M. Sainio, Pion-pion interaction
at low energy edc. 98-21
M. Knecht, S. Peris, E. de Rafael, The
electroweak pi^+ - pi^0 mass difference and weak matrix elements in the
1/Nc expansion, edc.98-22
M. Knecht, S. Peris, E. de Rafael, Matrix
Elements of Electroweak Penguin Operators in the 1/Nc Expansion, edc.98-23
J. H. Kuhn and G. Rodrigo, Charge
Asymmetry of Heavy Quarks at Hadron Colliders, edc.98-24