Guidelines for
Young Researcher Presentations
The Midterm Review includes
presentations by all the young
whose salaries are (or have been) financed by the EURIDICE contract
and, as
such, you are asked to come to Frascati and present your work within
context of our network.
A review of the talks by the young researchers will be held
two days before
the meeting, i.e. on Wednesday 9th, following the
session. It is recommended to come to the meeting with your talk
and already sent to the server (see main page of the meeting).
In order to optimize your presentations, the network
executive committee
is proposing the following guidelines:
Some general guidelines
- You will have 10-12 minutes for your presentation, followed
by 5-3 minutes
of discussion. In this report, you will present yourself, your work and
your experience. This presentation should go beyond the scientific
and should allow the discussion of social aspects of your participation
in the network.
- Concerning the scientific part of your presentation, it
should be put in perspective with the Euridice project objectives and
milestones, see either the project
overview, or the last
report sent to the EU.
Templates for presentations
- We present both a powerpoint
and latex template, for the presentations to
have a
- Feel free to adapt them, but in all cases, use in your
page both the EURIDICE logo (logo_euri.eps,
and that of your institution.
- For latex presentations, you can start from the source file
as an example, which, upon transformation will
appear as this
(pdf file).
To compile the latex you will need the following
- Warning: use this
latex format only if you already have some familarity with preparing
slides in latex. Also, do not be worried if the latex compiler
complains about the command \slidemaketitle, the file should run
anyway, just hit return two or three times. We have not been able to
debug it, hope to get it right in the next few days, but it does run.