Date Speaker Home Institute Title Place
Previous Seminars
Thu 9 Jan, 2003 h. 15:00 L. Amendola Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma Physics and astronomy of dark energy Auditorium B. Touschek G
Thu 16 Jan 2003 h. 15:00 P. Valente INFN-LNF The DAFNE Beam Test Facility (Transparencies) Auditorium B. Touschek Y
Fri 24 Jan 2003 Y. Srivastava Peruria Univ. and LNF Electronic Enhancements in the detection rate of Gravitational Waves by Metallic Antennae Aula Seminari G
Thu 30 Jan, 2003 h. 15:00 F. Terranova  INFN-LNF The theta_13 angle of the leptonic
mixing matrix: experimental status and perspectives
Auditorium B. Touschek G
Fri 7 Feb, 2003 h. 11:00 N. Ferrari INFN - LNGS Il sesto Programma Quadro di Ricerca e Sviluppo della Unione Europea Auditorium B. Touschek G
Thu 20 Feb, 2003 h. 11:30 P. Krueger ESRF Grenoble Multichannel multiple scattering theory for X-ray absorption 
spectroscopy of strongly-correlated systems
Auditorium B. Touschek G
Thu 20 Feb, 2003 h. 15:00 G. Testera INFN - Genova La produzione di atomi di antidrogeno freddo in Athena Auditorium B. Touschek G
Thu 20 Mar, 2003 h. 15:00 G. Parisi Univ. Roma 1 L'eredita' di Planck nella meccanica statistica Auditorium B. Touschek G
Thu 27 Mar, 2003 h. 15:00 R. Barbieri SNS Pisa and INFN - Pisa Electroweek Symmetry Breaking: where do we stand? Auditorium B. Touschek G

G: General Seminar
Y: Young scientist

* tentative title

[ LNF ]        [ Divisione Ricerca ]

MCD, 3/3/2000 - last update 11/02/2003